[center][color=0F1230][h3][b]Seijo Tametomo[/b][/h3] „[i]Lady Commander Tametomo[/i]” Red Sage[/color] [img]http://s17.postimg.org/ayvqs20m7/Souji.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVI8RobKHfQ]If I Die Tonight[/url][/center] [hr] Seijo stopped in her tracks, not looking back or sideways to see what had happened. She had heard footsteps approaching but not bothered to check for them - followed by the large boom caused by Katsuko, and the even larger boom caused by the technique hitting earth. Only then, when Katsuko had lowered the earthen wall and saw the lightning bolt, did she look back. She had heard the lightning cackle as well, not waiting for Katsuko to push her while she jumped slightly to the side at the last moment, dodging the lightning bolt. While she was going to enter the rubble before, and find the commander, she felt slightly annoyed by this white haired witch. [i][color=0F1230]“Hai, you're right. Tarara was stronger than me. And Tarara is dead. But he wasn't killed by you - you'd wish that wouldn't you. Fact of the matter is, even if I'm not as strong as Tarara, he was still miles above you, and that means that I am, too.”[/color][/i] After letting Akio know what she thought, she looked back at Nori, glancing at him shortly before looking back at Akio. [i][color=0F1230]“Alright, let me know while I end this girls life.”[/color][/i] she'd answer him, moving both her hands slowly towards her back, where another of her pouches was located. As her hands went into the pouch she used a clever trick that she'd picked up while practicing with Arima. Maybe that sucker wasn't so useless. Crossing her fingers, she performed [i]a jutsu[/i] inside of the pouch, and then another. She then grabbed a hold of the 6 shuriken, of which two were shadow clones of her, which had been transformed into shuriken with the henge no jutsu. A relatively simple trick, really, but extremely useful. She threw the shuriken at the girl, meanwhile shouting out to Katsuko. [i][color=0F1230]“Katsuko, let's go.”[/color][/i] indicating to him that he had to attack as well. Seijo had more important things than upholding honour right now, and was relying on Yudai to at least keep the commander in his eyes while she went to destroy this puny girl. Simultaneously she'd already started forming her handseals for the next technique, which would be meant to incapacitate Akio. The shuriken approached rapidly, when two of the most outward ones would poof and suddenly appear as Seijo, racing towards Akio at a tremendous speed, fist extended towards Akio in unison. If the four remaining shuriken weren't enough to distract her, the two shadow clones were. And in case Akio simply attempted to dodge them, the Shadow Clones would simply follow her ofcourse and just try to continue hitting her. Yes, fighting can be that simple. Atleast Seijo knew that her chakra reserves were still practically complete - she'd only used a few non intensive jutsu so far. As she finished her three handseal string of seals, she leaned back slightly and placed her hand on her mouth, palm facing towards the front, before leaning in and exhaling. As she exhaled, hundreds of spores flew from her palm, twisting her body to the right as she blew out to further spread the spores more and more towards Akio as well as in her path in case she was escaping. As the spores left the mouth, they were visible clearly, but the further they went, the less visible they became. As Seijo was satisfied she stood up straight again, looking over the field ahead of her. It would be practically impossible for Akio to avoid this technique completely at that point in time - skin contact would cause a painful burning sensation, and inhaling any spores at all would cause the airway to enlarge. Breathing was a necessary thing to life.. though the effects weren't quick enough to kill her within a day, or even a few days. Never the less, her breathing would become heavier and heavier until she would find herself unable to exert herself physically, likely forcing her to retreat if she even got that far. Though, given that she'd ordered Katsuko to also attack, she figured there wouldn't be much chance left for this cheeky brat. Seijo would simply turn towards the rubble after that, before jumping off with high speed towards it, landing on some nearby rubble and standing directly near Yudai while scanning the rubble for any signs of that commander bastard. In a deep crevice she spotted a wounded shinobi - wounded? Looked more like an unconscious runt. - with red hair. But why was she laying in a ball like that? Eh. No matter. She pointed at Yudai quickly, not wanting to stick around for the Confederate reinforcements, before pointing at the girl. [i][color=0F1230]“Yudai! Take her prisoner, kill her, or do something with her. Let's not leave people laying around like that.”[/color][/i] Her eyes would flash all over the rubble before spotting a dark figure trying to get away. He was bleeding, like a pig in a slaughterhouse. Seijo grinned before jumping off, landing on top of the man who replied with a loud [b]OUMPH![/b] She bent over and grabbed his collar, stepping off of him before lifting him up. The man was either knocked out, or simply didn't want to face Seijo. Regardless, she threw him down before biting her thumb and forming seals, summoning Neki the Newt again. In a large pood the Newt appeared, visibly annoyed it'd been summoned again. But it was given no time to complain, simply being barked at with an order. [i][color=0F1230]“Neki, take him. I want to..”[/color][/i] [color=388B29][b]“Aaaaarima-san already captured a politician, Tomotameee-sama...”[/b][/color] it bouldered, being met with a [i]mph[/i] from Seijo as she pondered her options then. [i][color=0F1230]“Fine. Go home.”[/color][/i] she said before releasing him from his duty. She once again reached over and grabbed the commander of the 11th corps, dragging him with her as she approached the compound center. Arriving on the scene, she dumped him down in front of everyone to see - and without a warning drew a kunai and dug it into his skull, before taking it out and digging it in again, deeper this time. Bone cracked as the skull was penetrated, giving the man no chance at survival. Seijo sighed deeply, with a high pitched wind in it, as if she'd just been relieved of something she'd been wanting to do for a long, long time. She took a moment for herself, relying on the others to guard her as she stood by, looking over those that were around. [i][color=0F1230]“Right, Sages. Let's go.”[/color][/i] It was quite a strange thing to do - they had achieved their goal, but there were still Confederate Shinobi around. Perhaps she wasn't frightened of them chasing her, or the Red Sages, or perhaps she was confident enough to think that they'd not attack her at least, and probably not the others either. She quickly jumped off, heading towards the same area she had came from when they initiated the attack. [hr] [center][color=gray][h3][b]Higōhō Hyuga[/b][/h3] „[i]Bastard[/i]” Hamajō Confederation[/color] [@l0ck0n][@KenyeIsMyLife] [img]http://s18.postimg.org/c7c7yjdeh/Hyuga.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i][color=gray]“Ah.”[/color][/i] Higoho answered to Setsuko, slightly annoyed that she'd followed him, but not bothered enough to make it a point. Slowly he bent through his knees as he watched Katsuko tank a direct hit from Akio on his earthen shield. [i][color=gray]“No. The Red Sages have reached their goal - trying to stop them now would lead only to more deaths which we can't justify. They've destroyed the compound main building, and now they'll have the commander. Nobody will be fast enough to stop it.”[/color][/i] he said whilst scanning the battlegrounds with his Byakugan. He looked into the rubble too, trying to discern who was trapped under it. Nobody important from what he could see. [i][color=gray]“Besides, that guy there,”[/color][/i] he said, pointing at Katsuko with his finger, before retracting it and standing up on his feet again, raising him about a head height above Setsuko. [i][color=gray]“He's fast enough to stop anyone from interfering with their commander whilst she goes looking for the commander.”[/color][/i] His byakugan flashed slightly to the left, where Yakoul was. He looked closely at what the cat was doing, not scared of it like Setsuko was. [i][color=gray]“And that is Yakoul. It doesn't seem interested in stopping the Red Sages that much. And if that is what it's planning, I don't plan to interfere. I don't like the 11th corps anyway.”[/color][/i] he'd say, turning away from the battle completely now and heading down the stairs again. [i][color=gray]“Have you never seen those 11th corps creeps stalking outside our clan compound at night? Perhaps they've even seen you shower. Who knows, with those creepy guys.”[/color][/i] He put his hands behind his head as he walked down, satisfied with a days work. Perhaps he hadn't managed to stop the Red Sages, but that probably would've been impossible given the speed at which Seijo and Katsuko had reached the main compound. All in all, he'd defeated two shinobi in the mist, saved the Uchiha girl, let Setsuko know she was an idiot for being late.. that's a good day by anyone's book. As he walked down the stairs he noticed.. himself? Standing in the distance? What the .. his mouth quickly turned downwards and his eyebrows turned inwards, showing his anger. His feet carried him much quicker than they had before, stepping quickly towards the boy that looked like him. [i][color=gray]“[b]BASTARD![/b] WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, PRETENDING TO BE ME?”[/color][/i] he'd shout aggressively, preparing himself to attack. He seemed to be preparing himself for a vacuum palm, the same technique he had used earlier to deal with Mikoto, but something was different. As he reached Tanji - the fake Higoho - he pushed his hand forwards, shouting loudly for all nearby to hear. [i][color=gray]“[b]EIGHT TRIGRAMS MOUNTAIN CRUSHER![/b]”[/color][/i] before launching a large wave of chakra into the opponent. The [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Eight_Trigrams_Mountain_Crusher]technique[/url] he had performed was not at maximum capability, obviously, but Higoho was angry, so Tanji was bound to suffer the consequences.