Cecil didn’t really know when he would feel better, he was probably not going to feel better until much later in the day but it all depended on if the weather held up. He was confident he would be feeling up to scratch just so long as he was given the chance. It was difficult feeling like this, as if your entire existence was at stake all because you used a little more energy than you probably should had. Staring at Amuné as it was soon time to move he watched as she took his hand, or at least what she could take of his hand. He didn’t know what this was, he was capable of walking himself so being lead down seemed like a strange occurrence. He was certainly not complaining about it, he quite liked it since it was one of the only instances of someone touching him willingly without it being to move him around because he had broken down. It felt nice, like something he had experienced but couldn’t remember when. With everything else being sorted and the animals and camping gear remaining fairly intact, the most that could be done was to pack up and go again on their journey. It sure was good that they left their stuff alone, even if it was a little mucky but hardly a problem. He couldn’t really help with anything himself, he wasn’t sure if it was possible anyway since it would mean he would have to use energy to move stuff around and just lose whatever he had managed to gather. It did make him feel bad, even if it wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t sure entirely why he was able to do that stuff in the first place anyway, he was just using energy that he wasn’t supposed to use so it certainly seemed like a fair large flaw in his design. He really should try to find some answers quick, at least before he went to the city. He didn’t even know why he was heading there, but he was fairly sure it was for something positive when he felt such a massive urge to go there. It wasn’t long before they were finally on their way and taking rest in the cart he did some casual maintenance on himself. He was starting to run low on organic matter to keep his joints clean and his innards running well, making use of ash to do these things. It wasn’t as if these things were hard to get so he never really had a problem but the most he could do was ask if he could pretend-eat to collect some. He was quite happy to have so much oil now, he was feeling a lot safer regarding his health. As he concentrated on making minor adjustments to his legs and cleaning the dirt off his feet he looked up when he heard his name, staring at Nymira curiously. “W-What? I don’t understand…” he spoke, only wondering what he had missed. He wasn’t really used to having people talk to him yet. He was left completely confused but it surely was best to just go back to cleaning himself up if they were going to talk amongst each other. Cecil knew he didn’t have much to say in return as well, he was pretty much the least social of them all because of what he was. Despite his absent-mindedness he did gasp when Amuné did suddenly shout out, his eyes going to her quickly to see what was going on only to see it was probably nothing. He was really missing a whole lot because of the way he functioned and it was beginning to make him feel a little alienated.