[img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/2463/f/2010/303/e/3/crione__ss_experiment_073__kay_by_kaitsurinn-d31ttn0.jpg[/img] Name: Kaelix Age: 17 Personality: Anti-social and confrontational by nature she prefers the company of machines to people, although she has a soft spot for dogs. She tends to be distrusting of people and will rarely tell the truth if asked a question. She will however open up if someone shares her interest in games or comics. History: Both of her parents died when she was 12. She had no other living relatives and ran away before she could be put in the system. She lived on the streets for a while until she started jacking cars. Her abilities came in useful on jobs and eventually she joined a crew. She considered them her family and in her spare time she worked on her inventions and used her cut to buy comics and games. She fell in love with one of the younger members of the crew. Her relationship with both him and the crew needed when she sacrificed herself for him on a job and was arrested. She assumed the crew would post her bail and they would ditch the town. They had done it before. But instead they had found someone who was intrigued by her inventions and had bought them from them for a substantial amount of money. This mystery person posted her bail and even convinced the court to keep her out of jail on the condition that she attend some camp. Powers/Abilities: X-ray vision and she is a Quantitative Aptitudinal. For example, a person standing at a security fence. The person can hear the buzz of the electrical field and smell ozone. They can read any security signs, and examine the structure and mechanisms of the fence. With this information, they can compare the conditions to their existing knowledge of how electricity is transmitted. After sorting all this data, they can compare it to their goal of getting to the other side of the fence.They can imagine several scenarios in a short span of time. Touching the fence will shock them, possibly to death. Cutting a nearby wire could trigger another alarm. Digging underneath would take too long and attract attention. Jumping over would be physically impossible.The Quantitative Aptitudinal performs all these functions with higher speed and efficiency, and their ability to envision the future goes farther. Technology is a powerful part of this ability because things like computers and high-powered sensors can give them more data to process, as well as freeing up other functions to give them more energy to focus on prefrontal cortex activity. She is able to thoroughly and completely understand the basic and complex functions of any subject related to measuring the amount or number of a material usually estimated by spatial measurement.