I'll throw my interest in. It feels like a lot to take in, probably because I've never read Worm (just started today, though), so I'll definitely need to work with you to make sure my CS isn't full of errors. My current, tentative idea for a power is a sort of space-distortion field/sphere around the character that has a radius of about 7-8 feet. In the area-of-effect, the user would be able to manipulate the momentum of inorganic matter, with restrictions based on their physical weight and strength -- anything that they could bring to a complete stop with their own physical power, they could stop within the field, while something like a bullet could only have its trajectory adjusted to make it miss, and a giant boulder being dropped on them would be completely unaffected. They'd also be able to mess with melee weapons within the field, strengthening and quickening their own attacks while throwing enemy attacks off. Weaknesses would be any characters that fight without the use of any inorganic weapons/attacks, and those like Strikers that rely on getting close to their target anyway, since the field can't do much about a point-blank blast. That got longer than I intended, but what I wanted to ask was: does this sort of thing have any business being in the Worm universe?