[hider=Sir Oliver Fortesque of Gallowmere][b]Name:[/b] Sir Oliver Fortesque of Gallowmere [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Oliver is a spry looking young man with a lean athletic build but little muscle to speak of. Although a bit taller than the average man, he remains looking rather young due to his skinny features, something that he finds rather difficult to deal with when trying to get others to take him seriously. His shifty brown eyes beguile a great distrust of others and his surroundings, owing primarily to his background of thievery. He has somewhat handsome features and prefers to stay clean shaven, but generally leaves his short dark brown hair unkempt and shaggy. [hider=Pictures][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/154wr51.jpg[/img] [img]http://i59.tinypic.com/5w03g4.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] As a knight errant of Gallowmere, Oliver dresses for the part. Preferring to keep his armor on the lighter side, Oliver wears a shirt of chainmail over a black arming doublet and beige/brown cloth trousers. His armor is accented with metal plates on his elbows, shoulders, and kneecaps, as well as black leather gauntlets and boots. Perhaps the most eye-catching part of his ensemble is his striking royal blue tabard, worn over his chainmail and belted at the waist. The tabard bears the royal sigil of Gallowmere, the Tree of Life, on the front (in white), and attaches to a cape of the same color that drapes down to roughly the height of his knees. Tabards of this style have been out of fashion in Enduwin for quite some time, but according to Oliver, this is how knights of Gallowmere have always dressed and he's not about to spit in the face of such a longstanding tradition just to fit in. Oliver is rarely seen without a bandana of some kind on his head (usually worn [url=http://image.made-in-china.com/43f34j00AeyENHvgGwqk/Pirate-Bandana-JRO060-.jpg]pirate-style[/url]); his go-to is a dark blue one, but he does have spares just in case. [hider=Armor References]Oliver's Armor: [img]http://i.imgur.com/O8Lgv0g.png[/img] Sigil of Gallowmere, the Tree of Life: [img]https://www.adf.org/system/files/public/articles/working/sigils/world_tree.png[/img][/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] Oliver's weapon of choice is the sword, owing to his knightly heritage. Unlike most knights, however, Oliver doesn't appear to care very much about the quality or the upkeep of his blade, which has seen better days. A simple iron longsword that could be found amongst any small-town blacksmith's wares, it is nonetheless a well-balanced weapon with a sharp enough edge to get the job done. Despite its humble appearance, however, Oliver claims that this particular sword was passed down by his ancestors for generations upon generations, having been used many times to protect the people of Gallowmere from evil. Attached to the sword by a small, sturdy chain that loops through the ring on the sword's pommel is a small jeweled amulet, which Oliver claims is the last Mana Seed from Gallowmere's Tree of Life, which has not bore fruit for eons. It is said (by Oliver and Oliver alone, mind you) that this blade, the legendary Mana Sword of Gallowmere, can slay any demon in a single blow because of the righteous power contained within the Mana Seed. No part of this story is true, like many things Oliver says about himself. The sword is sheathed at Oliver's waist for a quick draw. Owing to his actual thiefly heritage, Oliver keeps a small dagger strapped to the small of his back, concealed by his tabard, in case he's disarmed or otherwise in a tight spot. [hider=Pictures]The Mana Sword: [img]http://i.imgur.com/thbCh9j.png[/img] Mana Seed Amulet: [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/73b5/f/2008/103/8/4/8491bcb6f8340ecdcef00ef388a68c5d.jpg[/img][/hider] [B]Inventory:[/B] As a knight with no horse or squire, Oliver prefers to travel light, and depending on the trip he may prefer to take certain tools along instead of others. When out on the road, his gear is kept in a mid-sized backpack made of thick brown canvas cloth, which has one large main pocket sealed by a leather buckle and flap and two side pockets with button clasps. He will almost always discard his backpack when entering battle or attempting to move stealthily, although it still doesn’t slow him down much. The following items are kept in his backpack:[hider=Backpack] • Metal flask containing cheap rum. Kept in left side pocket. • Lockpicking set (includes picks, skeleton key, files, chisel, and crooks.) Main pocket. • Whetstone and cleaning cloth for blade maintenance. Main pocket. • Pen, parchment, ink. Right side pocket, in cloth stationery wrap. • Sewing kit (needles, thread, awl, thimble). Right side pocket, small cloth drawstring bag. • Small armor repair parts (rivets, bolts, a handful of spare mail rings). Main pocket, cloth pouch. • Flint striking rocks (small drawstring bag, main pocket). • Small corked glass bottle of dry leaves and twigs for tinder. Main pocket. • One spare set of clothes. Black short sleeved cloth shirt, forest green light vest, dark brown trousers. Some undergarments too, although it’s none of your business. • Three spare bandannas, two dark blue and one black. Left side pocket for quick access. • Metal canteen, filled with water. Hooked to right side pocket. • Cloth bedroll. Rolled up and clipped to bottom of the backpack. • Coin purse, received from Eolas. Contains three dragon coins, non-counterfeit. Main pocket. • [url=http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100310936]Patent of nobility[/url] certifying Oliver's knightly title. According to this extremely high quality forgery, Oliver was knighted in 672 AR by Viscount Gourry Gabriev of Dragonroot Keep to commemorate exemplary service to his court, king, and country. Bears the seal of the Gabriev royal family and the sigil of Gallowmere. It's rare for a knight in Enduwin to keep his patents of nobility on him at all times, but given that Oliver is on a pilgrimage from a foreign land that nobody's ever heard of, it makes sense that he should need them on hand. Kept in a brown leather parcel bag in the main pocket.[/hider] On any given day, Oliver will typically carry the following items on his person:[hider=Inventory] • Money pouch (affixed securely to his belt and clasped shut with a leather flap). • Sword (sheathed at his waist on the left side for a fast draw). • Iron dagger (strapped to the small of his back as a concealed, last resort weapon. Typically covered by his tabard.) [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Thievery: Having been trained from a young age to take that which doesn't belong to him, Oliver has acquired a remarkable amount of skill in the art of theft. While pickpocketing is his specialty, Oliver is also a skilled lockpicker and forger. Capable of moving stealthily and blending into crowds well, Oliver would likely make for a great thief if he wasn't intent on being a knight. He is fairly competent at spotting traps and disarming them, as well as noticing concealed weapons or foes lying in wait. Swiftness: Oliver is quick on his feet, as a good thief should be. Despite the weight of his chainmail slowing him down a bit, Oliver can still outpace most of his foes easily and has a good amount of stamina to boot. Although he's not a trained acrobat by any means, Oliver has a strong sense of balance and is capable of traversing unforgiving terrain with grace and efficiency. Regardless of the brave and chivalrous knightly ideals to which Oliver aspires, the young man has a strong talent for running away. Swordsmanship: Although Oliver claims to be the finest swordsman in all of Gallowmere (as evidenced by the "great honor" of being the chosen wielder of the "legendary" Mana Sword), he is actually a decidedly average warrior with poor form and little strength behind his slapdash, unrefined blows. Having never been formally trained in anything beyond stage fighting, any seasoned swordsman would notice Oliver's inexperience before too long. Unfortunately due to the persona Oliver has cultivated for himself, he can't publicly seek training. After all, why would a knight with six years of adventuring under his belt need training from some commoner? Ridiculous. Traveling: Having lived almost his entire life on the road, Oliver is no stranger to long journeys and life in the wilderness. An experienced traveler with a fair bit of knowledge on most places in Enduwin, Oliver is a valuable companion to have with you on the road. [b]Backstory:[/b] Oliver was born in the back of a crowded wagon, one of a handful that made up a caravan of a traveling theater troupe. Oliver's mother, an enchanting songstress of some renown in the area, had been working with the troupe for years now and wasn't about to let the birth of her son put a stop to her career. Although he'd never known his father, the tight-knit group of performers all did their fair share of raising the boy amidst the hustle and bustle of life on the road. When Oliver came of age, however, he learned the true nature behind his newfound "family"; they were all common thieves. Selling tickets was only a small fraction of the troupe's income; all the real money came from picking the pockets of the audience members while they were caught up in the performance. Oliver too was trained to be a competent cutpurse from a young age; after all, children made for perfect pickpockets, with their small fingers and unassuming, innocent looks. Due to their constant traveling, the troupe was never in one place long enough to arouse too much suspicion, and as such, their little gambit seemed to be sustainable for the for the time being. Although Oliver's mother never approved of the troupe's shadiness or Oliver's involvement in it, she considered it worthwhile as long as she could still perform. Time passed and Oliver's nimble fingers and diligent work ethic earned him the opportunity to perform onstage as an actor. Although he wasn't a particularly skilled actor, he found the work to be more fulfilling and interesting than snatching wallets and tried his best with the small roles he was given. Most of all he enjoyed the plays about brave knights and strong warriors, traveling the land to fight evil and slay monstrous beasts. As he grew older the allure of the open road seemed to call out to him; he longed to craft his own tales of triumph and glory, and being tethered to this band of thieves and thespians was only going to drag him down. At the age of 23, he finally got his wish. His mother's voice had seen better days and the aging woman had also grown weary of life with the troupe. The two left the caravan on good terms, having served the troupe leader well for many years. As a parting gift, Oliver was given a spare tabard from the costume trunk so that he could, and I quote, "go have fun playing knight on his own." Oliver's mother settled in Vrent, planning to live off the money she'd saved up over the years and take up watercolor painting on the side (the fact that she engages in watercolor painting is wholly unimportant to anything in this roleplay, as is this parenthetical explanation). Oliver, on the other hand, had grander plans in mind. Having never lived apart from the troupe or established any sort of identity for himself outside of it, the lowly pickpocket turned performer Oliver Pike took up the mantle of the valiant Sir Oliver Fortesque IV, fifth son of Sir Daniel Fortesque II, master of the god-forged Mana Sword of Gallowmere and slayer of the infamous Sorceror Zarok. Even if Sir Oliver's grand backstory was completely fabricated, he didn't think it would matter all that much; as long as you looked the part, had all the knightly accouterments, and used a bunch of made up names from faraway lands that didn't exist, you'd be fine. He set off on his travels with only two objectives in mind, the first being to garner a reputation as a knight errant that would surpass his manufactured past altogether, and the second to find the father he'd never met. His mother could provide him with only one clue as to his father's identity; a small jeweled pendant that the man gave to her as a gift before he left forever. A year has passed, and Oliver (now 24), has found the true nature of "knighthood" to be far from the lofty ideals portrayed in fiction. Unlike a real knight in service to a lord, Oliver had no court to return to, no castle to sleep in, and worst of all, no grand banquets to fill his belly. Oliver's skills as a former thief served to put food on the table much more regularly than battling evil or righting wrongs. Going out "questing for justice" just didn't seem to be a very secure source of employment, and although Oliver really was intent on walking a righteous path given his newfound "nobility", he found himself playing the role of the criminal far more often than that of the hero. What honest work he did find was often nothing more than day laboring or common mercenary work, both far beneath the station of an esteemed knight. Currently in charge of watching over a dusty old storehouse full of nothing on the docks of Sfel, Oliver longs for an epic journey to embark on more than anything else. [b]Wallet:[/b] 1 Tower, 2 Grouts, 10 Farthings[/hider]