[center][img]http://s22.postimg.org/cvyhk52wh/khloe.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][u]Location:[/u][/i] [i]Khloe's Apartment, headed to the camp[/i][/center] [center][i][u]Interacting With:[/u][/i] [i]Victor[/i][/center] [hr] Khloe stood over the man, gripping the collar of his button down shirt tightly. She could see the sweat beads running down his face. His breath quickened and his lips were dry. She grinned, delighting in the fact that she could hear his heart beating wildly. "Please," he stammered. "I have kids. I..I...I'm sorry. I thought I would have more time. I..I didn't realize your powers were back. I...just....I...please." His beer belly hung over his now soiled khaki pants. Khloe pulled him up closer to her face. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. This was going to be too easy. She leaned slightly and grabbed the dagger from the nightstand next to her. She pushed the blade against his neck. She knew that only the smallest bit of added pressure would mean the end of this miserable scum's life. [i]To do or not to do, that is the question.[/i] "Your highness, please." The man swallowed audibly. Begging didn't become him. Khloe had enough. She raised the blade in her hand, preparing to shove it in his rib cage, straight to his heart. Her breath increased in excitement and the blade lunged forward. Suddenly, her eyes sprung open and she was staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. Her heart was pounding as she regained her bearings. [i]Another dream,[/i] she thought. [i]Or does it count as a nightmare?[/i] She wasn't sure really. In her home world, she never had dreams. Dreams were confusion for the mind and Khloe had never been confused until she became human. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her racing heart. She glanced over at the clock, it's neon numbers calling out to her in the darkness. Her alarm would go off any minute. She leaned over, shut it off, and rolled out of bed slowly. She walked down the hallway toward her kitchen. She made her way toward her coffee maker, noting how cold the tile flooring felt to her feet. She never felt cold as a demon goddess. Or if she had, she never noticed it. Being human was so fragile. It felt as if, at any moment, her mortality would be taken from her. Even something as simple as virus could bring her to her knees. It was a waste, really. [i]Humans would have taken over the universe if they weren't so easy to kill off.[/i] She sighed, sipping her warm drink. [i]It's all checks and balances in reality.[/i] A pounding on her door startled Khloe out of her thoughts. She hated being startled. It put her on edge and that was never beneficial to anyone. Without bothering to check the peep hole, Khloe threw open the door. Victor stood there, appearing annoyed himself. [color=0072bc]"You're late. We should have left a half an hour ago."[/color] He stepped in her apartment and she shut the door behind him. She caught a whiff of his cologne as he passed her. It was a smooth watery scent with a hint of spice. She liked it. [color=8493ca]"I've only been awake for a half hour,"[/color] she said, heading back to her bedroom to get changed. [color=8882be]"This time thing is so frustrating."[/color] [color=0072bc]"I thought you had a better handle on it, Khloe."[/color] Victor put his hands on his hips and called to her while standing next to the couch in her living room. Khloe left her room, having thrown on a pair of dark designer jeans and a black lace top. Her Harley Davidson heels graced her feet and a pair of black hoop earrings completed her outfit. [color=8882be]"Whatever. They should be accustomed to working around my schedule anyway."[/color] She grabbed a soft leather jacket. Victor took it from her and held it out for her to slip her arms through. He turned her to face him and placed his hands on her shoulders. [color=0072bc]"Humans don't work they way. Remember?"[/color] He stared into her soft chocolate brown eyes. She met his eyes back and sighed for the second time that morning. [color=8882be]"I'll try to remember. Let's go."[/color] She turned to the door as Victor opened it for her. He took a small glance around the apartment as he shut the door behind them, hoping the first day of camp would be easier than he was anticipating.