Zander stood before his patient. A young woman, her skin broken out in hives and reddened skin from scratching at them. He let out a sigh, blowing his long sea-foam blue hair out of his sapphire eyes, and went about gathering his Seal Paper. He shook his head as the woman's eyes widened slightly, and went about muttering softly under his breath. The power gathered into the paper, transforming the limp strip into an upright strong as metal, and let the cooling light gather around the worst of the hives. Still chanting softly, he fought with the power he possessed, [i]You'll obey, I won't be forced out of this town just because you want free reign![/i] As the light pooled glowing brighter than the early morning light, the woman let out a sigh of relief. The urgency to scratch was dwindling, the feeling of being uncomfortable in her skin ebbing away as well. She let herself relax under this young healers trained power, sinking deeper into her bedspread and smiling softly at her husband. "Thank you," she rasped out. The boy with sapphire blue eyes nodded, his chanting coming to a stop. He told her she would need a few days rest, and he, himself would not be far from this town if anything flared up once more. "I'd also warn you," Zander's educated voice made him stand out a bit more. "To stay away from the harder items. Liquids will do you greater benefit then bread and cheese." With out even taking a payment he walked out the door, bowing on his way out. He never took payment, else a town might consider him their personal healer. He would not be staying long in one place. He would not get caught again by his father's men. He just couldn't think of a good way to escape a second time. As he walked through the town, his eyes taking in all around him, and nodding to a few he had helped heal. Children ran passed him, calling out his name and asking him to play. He refused them politely, his next client awaited him. The inn would be his second stop on this busy day. Something was going around, causing odd bumps to appear. Zander may be educated, but even he didn't know much of life outside the outskirts of a large city. He also knew, he couldn't stay much longer. [i]Two more days,[/i] Zander told himself. [i]I have to move on before they catch up to me.[/i] ((added below stuff)) Walking into the Inn, he was greeted by the Innkeeper's son, Geoffrey, "Ah, Alezander, wasn' spectin' you til later." Zander internally flinched at Geoffrey's butchered sentence but outwardly kept a straight face, "Your mother was kind enough to allow my freedom of bed and food. I would no more make her wait, then I would make the children of this town. Asleep she is, I would hope." Geoffrey grinned, the Muran was laid back an air of ease rolling off of him. "Aye same room as always, Healer." Zander smiled softly and walked passed the Muran no more then his own age, a wave thrown carelessly over his shoulder as he took the steps at an easy pace. His wooden sandals clacking against the firm wood as he took each step, his white hoodie unzipped partly to keep him from over heating. [i]Soon...[/i]