[@HaleyTheRandom] To answer Haley, there's....virtually nothing that original anymore. It is a pain in the gonads to be accused of plagiarism yes, but the thing is alot of writers plagiarize without even knowing. Sure they could try to spruce it up and add their own [i]original[/i] ideas to a tried and tested formula, but when it all comes down to it, a pig with makeup is still a pig...just now with a crossdressing fetish andNOIDON'TKNOWWHATI'MGOINGONABOUTGOAWAY! The point is, it's difficult for many writers to come up with anything that is 100% smack-dab original, and yes, while there are a ton of talented writers here on RP, I still find myself saying sometimes [i]I know I've seen this somewhere before.[/i] Now as for the bitching: FUCKING FUCKSTICKS! I JUST GOT BACK FROM WALMART AND NOW THE DM IS CALLING ME IN FOR A 5 TO 11 SHIFT!! FUCK! MY! LIFE!!!!