[h2]Bounty Hunter Krat Gyton[/h2] Krat was on top of a high building that had a clear view on the warehouse the meeting was taking place at. He looked through his scope at the building while proning. It became clear soon that there were a lot of stormtroopers and mercs guarding the building of interest, far too many for Krat to take on alone, even with his aim. He then heard canonfire going on. He searched the skies for what caused this noise, and saw a Republic vessel being shot at by multiple TIE-interceptors. It looked like they were in trouble, and Krat could use some help as well. He activated the intercom inside his helmet. "Denying, get the X-Wing to my position. And before you ask: No, you may not shoot at anyone while on your way here. We need to spare the energy for when the real battle starts." He looked through his scope again, this time activating the heatvision-function on his visor. It looked like a lot of the people inside, which were a lot to begin with, were widespread, meaning that explosives like a thermal charge wouldn't be as effective. He heard Denying on his intercom, crawled back a bit, then got up, put his blaster back on his back and walked to the other side of the building. There was his loyal droid waiting a few meters underneath him in the X-Wing with an open cockpit. He jumped of the building, fell a few meters before using his jetpack to slow down the fall and landed safely inside the cockpit, which closed right behind him. "Get the scoreboard ready, buddy! We are going to help some Republic guys." he said before heading off towards the ongoing battle, while still flying low between the buildings as cover.