[center][img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/91ab/th/pre/i/2013/096/f/e/kai_ookami_by_mattbob3194-d60n2aj.png[/img] [h2]Ninko Hazuchi[/h2] Konoha border[/center] [hr] Ninko had watched the battle go in amazement at how well the Red Sages had held up against the Confederation forces, this group was definitely a threat. Of course Ninko expected them to eventually call for a retreat since the confederate shinobi greatly outnumbered them in numbers and it seemed clear that winning the battle was probably not their intentions. With the call for the Red Sages to pull back from the battle, Ninko decided that it was time for him to follow them. He quickly headed the way they were headed and made sure to try and not draw attention to himself since he wanted to not have his cover blown by one of his allies. His eyes were on the lookout for any of the Red Sages who were slow to make their escape and he spotted two of them close by an alleyway. He quickly and covertly made his way over towards them. Ninko wasn't sure how they would react to him, but he had made extra sure to not have any symbols or signs of the Confederation on him, and he was wearing a more civilian style cloak. [i]This is crazy, I'm screwed if they don't believe me when I tell them that I wish to join the Red Sages,[/i] he thought to himself. Once he was only a few feet away from Arima who appeared to be trying to get the attention of another shinobi, Ninko spoke up, but he did so quietly. "Hay, you'd better get out here fast, the Confederate forces will be swarming this whole area soon and they'll have us captured" he said to the Red Sage with a concerned voice. His words definitely had truth to them, after such a conflict the Confederate forces were sure to eventually all over this place to help repair the damage and interrogate any prisoners to get information about their enemies. [@Savato]