[center][color=Maroon][h2]Tsela Yee Naaldlooshii[/h2][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Forested area near camp, camp [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] No one [/center] [hr] Powerful muscles rolled under skin hidden by light tawny fur, as a predator drifted through the woods. The fur was then broken from sight by a modified bag, designed to fit and stay on the big cat's back, dark eyes pierced between trees, as the animal approached the apparent campgrounds. The beast paused as the smell of cigarette smoke broke through the fresh air, and unbidden a snarl came from the animal's throat. [Color=maroon] 'disgusting...humans...threat?...no...camp...safe...for now....'[/color] broken thoughts drifted through the animal's mind, as it passed a woman smoking, leaning against the sign post. Strolling through camp, the big cat walked towards one of the cabins, nudging it open it disappeared within it's walls. Looking around, the cat was satisfied by the emptiness, and with a quick push of it's powerful leg muscles it stood on hind legs. Focusing, and remembering his human shape, the cat began to shift. The sounds of cracking, popping, and snapping from his bones changing shape and location, such horrendous pain. But the burn from his skin splitting nearly caused the beast turning man to yowl. As the fur receded, and the muscles and bones finally settled, a bare young man was left behind. Shaking the shift off, feeling calm in his human shape again, he picked up his bag which had fallen off while shifting, searching for some clothes he pulled out a pair of dark pants, and a vest of light tan material with some fringe and bead work. The slightest wiff of deer clung to the leather still. Jerking his clothes on, the young man leamed against the wall for sometime, collecting his thoughts. [Color=maroon]'Clizyati would have been driven to a temper around these...people already. What am I doing here?'[/color] running his hands through his hair, he pulled the tangled locks back and tied a low pony tail with a leather thong. [Color=maroon]'It's only temporary, just until the men from my old village lose my trail. And maybe I'll meet a powerful ally...or a useful pawn. It'd be nice, but I doubt it.'[/color] Shaking off those gloomy thoughts, the young man straightened and walked out of the cabin, eyes squinting to avoid the pain from differing lights. Breathing in a deep lungful of the air, he squared his broad shoulders and looked around, noticing a pair of campers, one of which was sitting on several trunks, and in a tree a girl was folding...paper maybe? And hanging it up. Sighing, he walked towards the trees and sat on the ground, his eyes roving over.the people already here. And all he could think about, was the last time he saw Clizyati, and how she would react to people she would consider interlopers into nature. Chuckling quietly, he relaxed back into the tree, at least for now he could take a moment to breathe.