Oh I almost forgot. Does this look ok? I couldn't figure out what to add to rain forest besides birds and I wanted something other than just birds lol. [hider=animal] Name of your Creature: Minochay Your name to remember you by: Ninkitty Animal Type: Feline Species: Minochay Magical Affinity: air, lightning, water, telepathy Habitat: Rainforest Food: most types of fish and some grass. Has also been known to eat fruits and berries. How it bears its young: live birth with a liter of 2-5 How long does the young stay with the parent: 6-8 weeks NOTES: They usually have coats with a color ranging from dark brown to light brown with blue or yellow eyes. Fully grown they are the size of a house cat. Unlike most felines, the Minochay enjoys swimming and are often found swimming in a body of water when looking for food. Minochay don't usually bond with anything, but they can become attached to a person. They tend to see whoever they attach themselves to as more a friend than anything else. Young Minochay are born able to see and hear things even though they need to stay with their mother for a couple of months. Adult: Suggested equipment: Needs special collar, cat post, toys, litter pan, brush, comb, leash, food, bed, cat tree, litter pan [/hider]