Nymira throwing a fit over a horse relieving itself was awfully strange, it was like she'd never seen one do it before. Just how out of touch was she if she wasn't aware of something so normal? A small part of him almost wanted to put her out when they arrived at the next town, see how she did if she was left on her own. Mean? Maybe just a little, but he was curious to see how she'd fare. "Huh? You want to learn to use your Sight more?" Ethan repeated, smirking before giving Amuné's nose a playful tap, "Then open your eyes silly!" Chuckling to himself he tried to let the girl say her piece, having trouble stifling his giggles completely though. She was serious about this then, and it sounded like she was wanting to do so since it was something she shared with her father. "Nothing wrong with that, I say go ahead and try it," Ethan encouraged, "You won't budge an inch, I've got you." While the Ydran did her piece he placed one arm around her to hold her steady, his free hand grasping the reins. They rode together in silence for a few brief moments, only the indistinct chatter of Nymira and Cecil behind them keeping him from zoning out entirely. At last when Amuné came back she seemed elated and had in fact made it work, albeit not in the way he'd expected. Before she had called out something about the future hadn't she? Yet now she was looking into the past, amazing. "Sounds like when I trained with some of the Kinsgrove guard..." Ethan said thoughtfully, a smirk crossing his lips, "I used to get my butt handed to me by them all the time, they're all really good. I might be able to beat them now, but it'd still be a close match." What Kinsgrove lacked in political and military troubles it made up for with monsters; being so far out west it was a normal occurrence for the town's bells to sound and the guards called to action, swooping in to deal with whatever beast had stumbled out of the woods. It was that heroism and duty that had inspired him to train with them all those years ago, and it even still to this day dictated how he acted. Always ready to help, whatever it might be. What a disgusting habit to relieve yourself wherever you went. The fact they were horses wasn't a valid excuse, they should be trained at least to get off the roads before doing such a thing. "Disgusting... You should know better..." Nymira scolded as she looked down at her horse. Having the animal whinny in response and shake her atop its back made her go silent, grasping her reins as firmly as could be. Damned animal was trying to make her fall off! Perhaps next leg of the journey she would make Cecil handle the horse and she could ride in the cart. It was only fitting, he was the one acting as her attendant, not the other way around. "The horse relieved itself and it smelled foul, you're lucky you didn't have to smell it," the Dimuran repeated curtly, hating to have to repeat herself. Hearing Amuné shout abruptly made her whip her head forward as though expecting another enemy, puzzled to find the road before them empty. Was that child having another one of her visions then? Ethan didn't seem bothered by it, so she'd not put too much concern into the matter. "I've been thinking about how we all met, and what the chances are of you three crossing my path when you did," Nymira began, her eyes gazing off to the forests beyond the fields absentmindedly, "Either it was the will of Ralthor or the work of Kedos that brought us together, which if it was ordained by the Saints than far be it from me to judge. Still though... A child, a buffoon and a Machina, not the escort I would have imagined." Had she gotten someone like that old Muran for instance, powerful and imposing, she felt her journey would have been immeasurably easier. "Don't mistake this for reluctance, I... Appreciate your accepting me, I simply don't know what to make of this still." She was in a new world, surrounded by new people, fighting with Magi for reasons unknown to her. She was supposed to be here on purely delegate means and striving to form connections, not sever them through combat. The fact she'd dealt with both a criminal organization and two aggressive Magi since arriving hardly filled her with enthusiasm for the road ahead. As it happened the road ahead wasn't terribly long to their destination. Not even an hour had passed by when the next town had come into view, nestled along the very same river their encounter from earlier had taken place. From afar it was near impossible to make out just what it looked like, though just the silhouette alone suggested something far larger than even Galloway. "That must be... East Orosi... I think..." Right? Looking over Amuné's shoulder at the map he tried to follow their route taken thus far, tracing the river with his finger from Galloway onward. Indeed if they had taken this road then they would be approaching Orosi soon, the first of several towns they would no doubt be stopping at. Good, they all desperately needed a change of clothes and probably some feed for the horses, unless they'd had a chance to graze earlier. "We're nearly there, just a bit longer! How're you two holding up back there?" "Oh wonderfully. I can't feel my rear, my back is stiff and my hands are cramping from holding these damned reins," Nymira commented, scowling as she shifted her weight to try and relieve her aches. Finding it of no use she let out a sigh and blew some bangs from her eyes, freeing one hand to pull her hood back up in hopes of containing her hair better. "Seems like a good sized town, perhaps there's something to be gained here. I'd like one of you to accompany me to the chieftain's home when we arrive." "Uh, sure! But he's probably a mayor, not a chieftain," Ethan called back, grinning in amusement, "Hey, just saying. Chieftains are more for clans or tribes right? Well this place is massive, not exactly a single clan."