[color=cadetblue][h1]Rebekah Cross[/h1][/color] [hider=My Hider] [IMG]http://kmgg2.netai.net/2008_7.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Location:[/b] Diner, Academy Campus [b]Interacting With:[/b] Diner food was, perhaps, not the most healthy option for one's breakfast. Even if that diner was indeed serving traditional breakfast foods, their health value was dubious at best. But having the wisdom to recognize this is not the same as having the desire to do something about it. The liberal use (though she was sure some would say 'abuse') of her rather fleet-footed nature for movement, however, was sufficient exercise to give her at least a modicum of an excuse. After all, the calories consumed by her speed were significant. Not nearly as high as they should be, by her calculations, so she suspected a suspension of certain laws of physics to allow the rate of movement at a lower energy consumption; nevertheless, running in such a manner made her very hungry. And she was only too happy to take advantage of the excuse to fuel herself with less than healthy, albeit delicious, foods. She slowed down smoothly as she approached the diner entrance, after sidestepping nimbly around some passerby, and coasted through the doors before they swung closed. Her remaining momentum was perfectly sufficient to slide into her favorite booth, already depositing her bag on the bench next to her. A single flick of her head brought her ponytail back around to its proper position, finishing the transition from high-speed mobility to composed sedentary seating. Not that anyone paid her entrance much mind. Such things, on a campus for partially godly individuals, were a curiosity at best. It was hardly the most controversial ability present, or used, within Olympus Academy's bounds. Or outside them, for that matter. But such thoughts were irrelevant to her current morning. She had deposited her order and its parameters, in the hands of a waitress she passed on her way to her seat. Table number, as well. She always took the same seat, in large part due to the presence of an electrical outlet in the wall just underneath the table. Its use was rarely necessary, as her laptop was usually charged when she visited this establishment, but having and not needing was better than needing and not having. Her laptop was out and woken from its slumber in a matter of moments, just long enough for the Daughter of Athena to stretch her fingers. She knew her coffee would arrive in three to five minutes, per her usual experience, and her food would arrive in nine to sixteen depending on the diner's level of activity that morning. On this particular morning, she only spotted a few other patrons, therefore, her order would likely be on the low end of that time scale. Excellent.