[@Tuxedo Fox] [color=#ffd11a]"[i]Vous y![/i] Ah-excuse me! The-the vagrant looking fel-fellow, with, the, uh, brown duster!"[/color] A decaying generation two synth began running alongside the shore, rapidly waving at the ship, a clipboard in his left hand. He was clothed in a fine red uniform with golden trim, but his shoulder had a patch with two golden perpendicular lines on it. The synth's face wasn't much to look at - a large portion of it's white neck and forehead missing, revealing the bird's nest of wire and circuitry underneath. The synth appeared to be jumping and waving his clipboard to get the attention of Nobdy. [color=#ffd11a]"I am protocol synth C3-405, the hea-head of trade operations and routing in the trading outpost!"[/color] The synth called, retaining his cordial manner of speaking, even whilst running. [color=#ffd11a]"Please dock your ship in the set-aside wooden brig![/color] The uniformed synth continued running, shouting a variety of instructions relating to safety protocol and proper ship maintenance; his speech beginning to get faster and faster as he droned on about how to properly dock your ship and throw down the anchor. The synth garnered odd, inquisitive looks from the local adventurers and merchants as he continued speeding along the shore of the river, waving his clipboard and pointing to the thick sheet of papers clipped on. Artillery sounded in the distance, by the coast. [@Karos] [color=#ff3333]"[i]Arrêt.[/i] And what, exactly, do you think you're trying, newcomer?"[/color] A large, super mutant Order Paladin demanded, brandishing his gatling laser, his odd accent thick in his deep and guttural voice. [color=#ff3333]"You think you can just walk into the castle, [i]imbécile?[/i]"[/color] The super mutant paladin's brow furrowed, staring at the fresh arrival with his odd, black rubber suit and orange lens eyes. He took a step forward, his weapon making the old, light whir as it heated up, ready to unload into the threatening newcomer. It would be easy to melt him into a fine, smoldering ash. A few order knights around him watched the encounter inquisitively - the paladin was known for being highly protective of the king's castle - and that stealth suit wouldn't protect him much. [color=#ff3333]"Not even the highest, most intelligent of nobles are permittee within this stronghold - so unless you've got anything better, I'm afraid I can't let you see the king."[/color] The paladin claimed, as his gatling laser gave a brief red, menacing glow. [color=#ff3333]"Unless you intend to go through me - then the king is not seeing people. He's a busy man."[/color] The Order Knights around him, primarily humans, sized up the newcomer, slinging their laser rifles; aiming down the sights at the stupidly brave new arrival that appeared to be confused. If the stealth suited man did decide to try to take on Rand, then they would have to sound the alerts; ensure that the king remained safe so this mysterious, mercenary-looking fellow didn't try anything stupid in a district filled with knights. Even then, Rand seemed to be challenging Sebastian to a fight. [@Lord Coake] A group of Order Knights guarded the bridge to District Proulx across the river; they appeared to be brandishing cobbled together pipe rifles made out of rusted steel and bog wood. The knights certainly didn't look like the friendliest bunch; their uniforms were torn and bloodied, with multiple bloodstains surrounding the shoulder and chest, the uniform chest covered in bullet wounds; but they themselves seemed to be perfectly fine. The knights appeared to have long, unkempt brown hair and dirtied faces. [color=#cc6600]"Eh! You there, uh, silver plate, stop!"[/color] An "Order Knight" called out, in an obviously faux accent. [color=#cc6600]"This, ah, bridge - it's being reconstructed at the moment. We'll need a tax of 200 caps to letcha pass - otherwise, we may have to act."[/color] The Order Knight smiled, an ugly, toothy grin, as he raised his pipe rifle. A few knights surrounding him raised it in accordance with him. The bridge in the back appeared to be perfectly fine - save for a few chips and chunks missing due to the resultant fire of pipe rifles. A laser rifle dot appeared on the front of Longshot's forehead, as a nearby raider in a tall tree focused his rifle on the head of Longshot. It appeared difficult a situation to get out of; with "Order Knights" outnumbering him ten to one. [@Ulstermann] [color=#ff5050][i]"Arrêt![/i][/color] Order Knights rushed forth, brandishing laser rifles and gatling lasers, ranging from super mutants to ghouls. [color=#ff5050][i]"Ami ou ennemi?![/i] Friend or foe?!"[/color] A single, well-dressed one stepped forward - a young man, with rich, dark skin, and clean parted hair - sized up Tom Carson, his eyes sharp with experience and interest. He slowly stepped around the limping man, taking note of his soviet cap, the AK slung over his back, and his notable build - it made the Enclave Officer a far cry from the normal, unkempt, and unorganized gulf marauder - and the man was severely wounded, with a significant bruise on the side of his head, a sharp splinter of wood in his arm, and a bandaged leg. [color=#ff5050][i]"Il est bon.[/i][/color]" The Order Captain said, waving his arm. The Order Knights surrounding him hurried off, continuing to the coast of the peninsula before unloading into the sea. [color=#ff5050]"I can take you to my quarters - you need a stimpack and a home cooked meal, my friend."[/color] The dark man began to walk to the main trading outpost, it's marble brick buildings and red flags coming into view as traders hurried along to avoid gunshots from stray gulf marauders. A good few meters away, an errant synth was running along the shore of the Mississpi River, waving his clipboard and shouting at an old, prewar boat that had three passengers. The captain continued on, waving for the officer to follow, hoping that he wouldn't wander off or unload his PPK into his gut.