[@drewccapp] - [b]North Hallway above Room 16[/b] As you left the body behind, you could barely make out the paths that you could take. There was one ahead and one to the left. On the crossroads of these paths seemed to be a decently sized rectangle, as if cut out of the concrete wall. A sheet of metal was inserted on the inside of the wall, blocking access to it. It seemed to be important. There was a large pile of trash underneath the opening. However, it was too dark to see anything specific inside. [hr] [@RedXCross], [@KahleenCuthald], [@Darkwolfsoul010] & [@tatszico] - [b]7...12 Hallway[/b] As each of you spoke, a chime sounded. The same one from earlier, when you got the first message. However, it was a single chime. The only phone that lit up was the one with the plastic skull dangling from it. [quote]dingdingding, we have a winner~ (*^-‘) 乃 knew you could do it! swing by a dropoff to pickup your treat! nice job making friends, too~ i thought you would just make 1, but 3? !Σ( ̄口 ̄;; really shocked me~[/quote] [hr] [@Write] - [b]Outside Room 13[/b] As you rushed the unknown, you found nobody else. You simply found a wall on the other side. However, to the East of you was a giant pile of debris that was large enough to block the large hallway that seemed as if it was a road. The hallway that you were in had the occasional light turned on. Luckily, it was enough for you to see everything in the hallway. Very little trash remained on the sides. Most of it was dust. A few footprints could be seen in the dust, but most of them had been covered by more dust. To the end of the hallway was a wall, along with a path North and a path South. While you could not see anything, you could barely hear murmurs coming from the North. [hr] [@Jinxer] & [@Teaistasty] - [b]The Washroom[/b] As the two of you spoke, an extremely noticeable creak sounded from inside of the washroom. Everything was silent; then, as if in rhythmic succession, another creak. More silence. Creak. Silence. Crea- silenc- cre. It was getting faster. Then, the silence was removed all together. Crack, crack, crack. It sounded like something was breaking. Then, bang. Finally, flowing. Upon investigating the sound, it became apparent that one of rusted old pipes leading into one of the urinals had burst. What seemed so terrifying was actually just a way of making sure that private business was done properly. Water flowed out of the pipe, filling the room with even more of a salty smell. It seemed like any smell that the corpse nearby had had had vanished. [hr] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/8zPrdta.png[/img][/hider]