A large figure stepped out of the airlock of a transport ship, having to stoop a few inches due to his height. While short for his people, he was still taller than many other races in the galaxy, although he probably wouldn't be able to prove it. It was likely he was one of a few of his kind on the Spire, if not the only one. Zaetherians were few in number, even after spreading to more habitable planets than the species' home world. Almost immediately after stepping off the transport, a Tu'Verri security guard approached with her hand twitching slightly, as if expecting a fight. [color=9e005d][i]"Sir, you can't bring firearms onto the Spire. It's a felony to d-"[/i][/color] The tall figure chuckled a bit, a bronze glint reflecting off his dark scales. He spoke with a metallic tone, almost sounding as if his voice had a built-in synthesizer. [color=a36209][i]"Add it to the record, the Committee put me on the Monroe and I'm not letting anyone touch my guns. Besides myself, of course."[/i][/color] He scowled a bit as the guard whipped out a strange device that scanned the lizard, then went back to the being it served. [color=9e005d][i]"Galvus Velinian. You were charged with gun running, possession of illicit drugs with intent to distribute, first and second degree murder, illegal firearm modification, littering..."[/i][/color] Galvus rolled his eyes and began imitating the Tu'Veeri, earning a few laughs from various onlookers, then stopped just as his entire criminal record was finished being read out loud. [color=9e005d][i]"...and grand theft auto. You're lucky they even gave you a trial, filth. Go get on that ship before I shoot you down myself."[/i][/color] The guard returned to her post, continuously giving the Zaetherian a death stare. Galvus moved through the crowd, following a meandering path to the docked location of the Monroe, recognizing one of the crew members after a moment of thought. Reena, or something like that. Either way, he approached and stood a good few feet away from her. [color=a36209][i]"I was told to come and meet the crew of the Monroe, which I'll be joining."[/i][/color] If an introduction could kill, this would be the one to do the deed.