[b]"So much for a quiet arrival..."[/b] She already knew what Akyra was going to say before she said it, both of them knowing what they had to do. As Akyra hurried off, Elyka spun on her heels without hesitation and sprinted back through the doors they had just passed. As much as she wanted to bang her head senselessly against the wall for failing to foresee the attack, let alone leaving her ready position so eagerly, she managed to focus completely on the confrontation ahead. Elyka leapt off the ground into a front flip, closing quite a distance as she landed in the A-Wing's cockpit. She powered up the engines and began to guide the fighter as it hovered and glided across the hangar bay, flipping a row of switches as the rear thrusters warmed and the cockpit steadily swung closed. Speeding out of the [i]Ardent Liberty[/i] before it began its evasive maneuvers, green lasers blasting past her, Elyka was already reaching breakneck speeds as she activated her jammer to throw off the TIEs' targeting. She took advantage of it by diving straight down and at the oncoming squadron of fighters, barely managing to get any shots off while narrowly avoiding any collisions. They seemed to split formation as she swooped past them, sharply steering back upwards at high speeds but arcing widely, getting too close to Nar Shaddaa's skyline. Quickly she adjusted her targeting system as she came around back at them while her cannons had time to tilt and aim this time before she pulled the trigger. She had a better chance at taking one down this run, though still dangerously flying straight at them, rolling her craft to best avoid smashing right into theirs.