[center][h1][color=red]Database[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [h3]Technology & Tech Examples[/h3][hr] [sub][center]Disclaimer:Not a hard science RP. Think pseudo science. The fuck I'm talking about.[/center][/sub] [i]Shields (Ship Hull)[/i] Only very early prototypes exist. Developed by Masamune Space Structures to prevent accumulating hull damage by space dust, and other objects (which led to the destruction of the Plymouth class settler ship, [i]Takeshi[/i] in 2603) Some other corporations may possess the potential for the technology or even a working prototype, but some further development and research will be necessary before shields are in common use. [i]Foreign-Object-Hull-Deterrance[/i] FOHD (commonly called the F-word on cargo-ships) are small-scale outer hull mounted laser weapons designed to destroy or significantly reduce in size any object that may threaten the integrity of a ships hull. FOHD's are designed to track and engage potential targets automatically although some 'crack-shots' sometimes control the lasers manually.. [i][url=http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/BackTo343.html]Ion Rockets[/url][/i] Propulsion systems have seen an enormous advancement in the past 500 years. Continuously thrusting ION-rocketry has made travel to each planet relatively quick. [i]Cargo Cannons & Shipping Capsules[/i] The modern Cargo Cannon like VULcan Corporations [i]Thor's Hammer[/i] utilize alternating magnets to accelerate cargo in capsules at speeds far greater than a human being or typical ship could withstand. Cargo Cannons have to have a sister station called a 'Net' at the target to slow the capsule using a net of magnetized 'buoys' and dampening fields. The Capsules themselves also have computer-guided correcting boosters. [i]Artificial Intelligence[/i] After the Kiev-CAO scare of 2190, the Earth Governments (precursor to the United Terran Gov't) signed a treaty effectively banning the development of AI within terrestrial bounds. Since 2595 any research and protypes have been developed on Bright-Spot station on Ceres. [h3]Weapons[/h3][hr] [i]FALSE_PATH chaff drone[/i] Chaff has long been a defensive measure for slower, lightly armored aircraft. Like their ancient predecessors, modern air & spacecraft can be equipped with highly intelligent anti-missile chaff drones. The FALSE_PATH drone is a reliable mass-produced unit that comes standard in most small SKYGUARD craft. The simple on-board computer predicts missile trajectory and attempts to contact the weapon, preventing damage to the mother ship. Many commercial ships also use Chaff. [i]NITE3 soft-kill missile[/i] The NITE3 is a defensive weapon with low velocity designed to anticipate any incoming fire to an aircraft, contact that weapon and detonate it prematurely. Slightly more effective and longer range that chaff. [i]Ballistic Weapons[/i] Although 'future' weapons exist, the most common weapon used planetside is still ballistic based. This is purely economical. Nearly anyone can manufacture the weapons and ammunition needed for traditional machine and assault style guns. Martian rebels especially are notorious for home-made weapons. [i]Those Damned Future Weapons[/i] Incredibly expensive lasers. Weapons classified as 'planet killers' launched from orbit. No space warfare has actually occurred outside of small-scale pirate action. The implied destruction of such a war is too reminiscent of the early 21st century wars. Not to say that it won't happen again.[hr] [h3]Setting Info[/h3][hr] [color=gold][i]The Solar System[/i][/color] Mankind has explored the inner solar system for the past 500 years. There are permanent space habitations. Industrial Arcologies on Mars, not to mention the first permanent Martian City of Elysium. Corporation have sprung from the ashes of the early 21st century religious wars and the resulting economic backlash of the First Space Boom. They are the true powerbrokers on Earth and the Inner Solar System. With the signing of the [i]Jupiter Referendum[/i] the Second Space Boom has begun. [color=lightblue][i]Earth[/i][/color] Earth has prospered in the last 200 years. Endless wars and economic turmoil for centuries swept aside the old Earth governments. In it's place has stood the United Terran Government, literally a World Power. But with the UTG came the Corporations, the real power brokers. The instrument of technological advancement and research. The Corporations have never engaged in open warfare, and would appear to be as amicable as ever with the signing of the [i]Jupiter Referendum[/i], but it would be short-sighted to think this peace will last. Espionage. Government corruption. Sabatoge. Terrorist funding & action. The Corporations are all capable of any or all of it. [color=red][i]Mars[/i][/color] The jewel of the inner solar system. Martian resources seem to be endless, and millions of settlers have come looking. Whether as corporate policies or private citizens (that's a sketchy term these days) the masses have come to start a new life on Mars and with it, political intrigue. Things are changing rapidly on Mars as the Corporations muscle in on private claims. Terraforming is in it's infancy, and so infrastructure has become a hot commodity. Arcologies and Bio-Spheres dot the landscape. Some abandoned and ripe for refurbishment. Some have been reclaimed by the red sands in the past several hundred years. [color=plum][i]Jupiter[/i][/color] [sub][b]Retrieving data...please stand by...[/b][/sub] [color=slategray][i]Ceres[/i][/color] [sub][b]Retrieving data...please stand by...[/b][/sub] [i]Io & Europa[/i] [sub][b]Retrieving data...please stand by...[/b][/sub] [h3]Strategic Locations[/h3][hr] [i]Luna Base Shipyards[/i] The United Terran Government controls Luna, and with it the Luna Base Shipyards. This is the only shipyard in the System and of immense strategic importance. Long have the corporations coveted Luna Base. It would be unsurprising to learn that some Companies had clandestine docks hidden in the system. [i]United Terran Government Headquarters, Earth (Western Europe)[/i] [sub][b]Retrieving data...please stand by...[/b][/sub] [i]Bright-Spot Station, Ceres[/i] [sub][b]Retrieving data...please stand by...[/b][/sub] [hr]