[@Darkmatter] I might make another character (for the heals!). In the mean time... [hider=Herwen blurb] Geography: The actual range of the nation Herwen, across the sea from Vrent, is hard to define. Essentially a small nation in a large desert, Herwen has only two cities. Aside from these two cities (Harchan and Turocan), the Chosen are scattered about the Whispering Wastes (what they call their desert) moving in nomadic tribes from Oasis to Oasis. It is impossible to draw borders, as the Chosen have no reason to make any and wouldn't recognize them anyway, with their wandering. The holy city of Harchan (where it is claimed the Gods first placed The Chosen) and the port city of Turocan are the only known areas where one can consistently fine the Chosen in large numbers. However, outsiders aren't allowed into Harchan, making Turocan (named after the Tribe who serves as the face and 'government' of Herwen) the only place where some form of trade and diplomacy can take place. The Turocans decide what trade is allowed, what foreign expeditions are allowed, and so on so forth. Given Herwen's size, lack of unity, and desert wasteland status, it isn't any wonder why the Turocans deal with very few foreign nations. Harchan is ran by a Tribe of priests. They bring all the tribes in for peace and prayer, healing wounds, resupplying, and generally being a sanctuary against the Whispering Wastes. Since it is not magic or new technology, and even the strongest of men need sanctuary from time to time, it is accepted and well used. Culture: While traditions and practices vary from tribe to tribe, three basic things remain the same. All the tribes believe that the Gods (remaining nameless and featureless) saw how weak and soft the rest of the humans were and created the Whispering Wastes to challenge and make humanity strong. They Chose people from all over the world and put them in the Wastes. 'Without magics or creation's of man to aid you, you will survive and be strong. You will be ready for when we drown the world in sand and heat.' With that decree, the Gods disappeared. The Chosen have been surviving like that ever since. All tribes also despise magic and newer technologies. They see the former as the Gods deeming someone too weak to survive in the Whispering Wastes by themselves, and they see the latter as weak people trying to make their lives easier. How to deal with each of these varies from tribe to tribe. Some execute mages and technology users immediately. Other's mark them with the Tears of Shame so that all will know that they were too weak to survive in the Whispering Wastes without aid. If it is not immediately shown that a person is a mage, a drop of blood is drawn from the person in question and dropped in the juice of a Ferchun cactus. If it turns vibrant purple, they're a mage. If it does not, they're not a mage. The third thing is gender equality. If a woman can be as soft and weak as a man, thus the Gods have said, a woman can be as strong as a man. While there are certainly roles where men gravitate more naturally (and vice versa) and tribes where they ignore this rule (going both ways), most tribes seem to obey this rule. Even in Turocan. [/hider]