[quote=@Rhymer] That will work fine with your spec-ops division just fine. Unless anyone else objects? [/quote] No objections from my end. [quote=@Rhymer] Agreed on the corporate quagmire we are creating. But good fun. As for hostiles I'm still contemplating the Bloody Brothers from the first go around. A regressing settler tribe gone native and uncivilized that just generally wants to blow shit up. If anyone wants to take over SKYGUARD, ELYSIUM City or the United Terran Government I'm all for it. [/quote] Honestly, I wouldn't mind taking over one of those things if there wasn't the fact I'm investing bucketloads into a single corporation, and so that would make one player controlling a pretty big military production corporation and then UTG/Elysium/Skyguard... [quote=@Rhymer] I guess we should talk about what the hell kind of gov't Mars has left. My idea is that it is just a loose confederacy of settler factions, small corporations and companies. Basically about to fall apart. Thoughts? [/quote] A loose corporate alliance controls what's left of government "authority", perhaps? Which wouldn't be saying much... --- I think I will be a wee bit lazy and delay the stocks until the thread for RP itself is made. One of various attempts to balance things out. I'll have some individual chars important to TSDC up via CS pretty soon, as well as NPC relative factions. [@LordZell] has expressed interest in joining the corporation; at this point we have set. :P If it does work out I see it meaning either collab postings or I post and he adds on top of mine in the next post. [@Rhymer] - still wondering how much I'm willing to invest in [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/90156-atlas-a-true-cooperative-worldbuilding-roleplay-game/ic]this[/url]. On one hand, worldbuilding! On the other... less attention for this and another one (which actually was supposed to be up by now, I'll have to poke the GM on that one). So for now I'll resist throwing actual weight into it, but I might get into it at a later point. Heck, if I wasn't deeply invested in two Rp universes (on this site, never mind others) I probably would have offered to help manage things.