[quote=@Awesomoman64] [url=http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=8137919]Think you missed part of that quote there.[/url] [/quote] My bad, haven't slept in over eighteen hours. [quote=@Lucius Cypher] You're always so snappy about what people say. Is it too much of a stretch to think that while Guess was looking over the grimm pictures, he noticed that the Beowolves picture was inoperable [i]and[/i] that Creeps could be replaced? [/quote] [url=http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=8137977]I'm always snappy, it comes of having no life a very little future to look forward to.[/url] [quote=@Guess Who] Going to bookmark that site now so I can use it whenever I need to prove someone wrong. [/quote] Hell [i]I'm[/i] gonna bookmark that site.