The time was getting closer to midnight, and the conversations were slowing down. Students tried to relax as much as they could, rubbing their full stomachs, as well as their eyes, trying not to fall asleep. The headmistress stood up, and waved here hand, beckoning for silence. She too was tired, and ready to head to sleep. [b]"All students, must head to their house common rooms. Please follow the prefects, and they will lead you where to go. Also, be mindful of the moving staircases. Goodnight everyone."[/b] Suddenly, the great hall was a jumble of students, and no one really knew where to start. Cal followed the one who looked in charge, as he was calling out something about him being prefect. He followed him up staircases, finally to a door with an eagle shaped knocker. All Cal heard was something about 'Ravenclaw Tower' and 'Riddles' but Cal was to tired, and slumped down of a soft, velvet blue armchair, and drifted off to sleep.