"Yes she does, less people know the better." The mysterious man looks at her. "Are you the woman who has been caring for the injuries of Kyron here?" He steps to her and looks down. "I believe we have some things to talk about." The man reveals a tablet and turns it on. "I will reveal my intentions, I work with the EDF, Earth Defense Force. We monitor and combat all known threats to mankind, attempting to keep most under wraps. We get some that cannot be contained. Generally you get what we had happen last night with James here, I know you are probably wondering why I leaked the footage to the media. It is absolutely a smoke screen, we are using it as a diversionary tactic. While people are looking for clues as to where the monsters went we will head to our base. But first tell me James, where does Gigan come from?" He looks at him intently. "Planet X." The man nods his head. "Who else is from planet X?" James goes wide eyed. "King Ghidorah..." The man nods slowly. "Gigan got away and the Xillians are likely to find out of his loss soon, that means they are bringing out their failsafe." Adam speaks up. "I get James is a monster and all but why are you involving him and us for that matter?" Looking over at Adam. "You see, we know you guys build cars and trucks. You are especially gifted with engine building. We need that expertise, we are building mobile weaponry, we need builds that are fast and powerful, we also need vehicles that can withstand direct blasts from the Kaiju. Especially like Ghidorah's lightning or space godzilla's atomic breath." James smirks and looks at Adam and Kyra. "I guess we have a job to do."