[center][color=00746b][h1]Rakala Faust[/h1][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Vigilante Village [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@Song Book][/center] [hr] [b][color=00746b]"Well, it's nice to meet you Anastasia. This will actually be my fourth year, but it doesn't seem like any staff is around as usual, so don't feel bad about not knowing something. I was rather lost my first year too. I ended up sleeping in the lake my first night here."[/color][/b] Rak looked around as he mentioned the staff. He noticed a girl in a tree making cranes and another a ways off by the sign taking a smoke. He was rather confused as it seemed he was the only to actually put his stuff in a cabin. [b][color=00746b]"You can pick any cabin you want and there are no rules about who you share a cabin with... except guys. They don't allow co-ed here."[/color][/b] Rak looked around again noticing a large cat making it's way through camp. He turned the other way looking past the buildings for some semblance of staff. [b][color=00746b]"Honestly other than choosing a cabin. I don't know what happens next. Normally eventually someone comes to re-emphasize the rules, and tell us a little about the camp, and what's going on next."[/color][/b] Anastasia had picked up her trunk rather easily. Normally Rak would have been a little surprised, but he remembered here there was hardly anything that wouldn't normally be surprising. [color=00746b][b]"Once you find a cabin just do what you want I guess."[/b][/color] The camp always did different things every year so other than picking a cabin he really didn't know what to do. As Ana walked away with her trunk, Rak noticed another guy was here too. [i][color=00746b]Where did he come from.[/color][/i] The man went and sat by a tree just relaxing. This camp was the perfect place for just that. Rak headed back to his cabin and leapt onto the mattress that he claimed on the second floor. He decided to rest for a bit as the others arrived. He would meet everyone soon enough, and if anyone came to his cabin he'd greet them as well.