[@KindledBeast] [@lenorist] Looking around, Yuri and Evie would see nothing for a moment, just darkness. Neither were in the same place as the other, both being completely lost and totally alone. Around them are the sounds of insects chirping in the night, but the sound was wrong, something they would not be able to place. If either were to look to the night sky for some kind of navigation, they would be greeted by a impossible sight. Where once there were familiar stars and constellations now there were the swirling masses of numerous galaxies, the vast distances between each one barely comprehensible, some even having seemingly collided with each other over what must have been millions of years. To the right, both would hear the sound of flowing water and upon taking their first steps in their chosen direction, would find themselves propelled higher and farther than they would typically be used to. The thick, humid air would cause their clothes to stick to their stick almost immediately, so thick it would feel as if they were in a tropical rainforest or something similar. At the same time however, they would feel stained for breath, as if there were somehow less air around them. They would begin to feel out of breath before long and slightly lightheaded, but there would be just enough air for them to get by. For how long was anybodies guess.