[center][h1]Jiro[/h1][/center] Jiro was just as surprised as Simon not knowing why she was in such a mood. He thought about going after her. He glanced back at her table and noticed green pieces of paper that he could only assume was the 50 dollars. He genuine felt guilty not going after her but his muscles ached and circles had begun to form under his eyes. He was hunger, tired, filthy and feel wet from the moist shirt. He stomach growled again as he looked back to Simon to reply. [color=ed1c24]"Listen we both had a rough time back at the nurses office but I have no idea why she ran off like that. She's not physically hurt and I don't see how anything I said would of offended or even hurt her in any way. I think she's fine but if you want to take a slight detour that's fine with me."[/color] He said rethinking about not visiting her the more he thought about it. [color=ed1c24][i]"Was she upset I didn't want or need the money? Ugh women are such a pain."[/i][/color] [@WaddleDaisy]