[@Ordure]"En effet, j'ai fait mes recherches. Il faut connaitre avant de voyager." (Yes, I did my research. You have to know before you travel.) That wasn't quite true; The External Security Bureau had installed a small cranial implant in his skull that allowed him to learn French at an accelerated rate.  "...wait, a little east of the peninsula? Excuse-moi for a moment." Carson leaned against one of the Trading Post's clean walls as the officer-captain? Dispatched a squad of troopers off to the east, where distant pop pop pop's showed that the Marauders were still shooting.  Carson hoped Art Hartmann was all right.  "... more like an offer." The officer went on as he led Carson to a large, imposing building.  "Yes," answered the Enclave major, dropping back into English. "Word of the Order travels far. I heard that they pay good caps for a steady gun arm. We were going to offer our services anyway before those bastards jumped us." He stopped for a moment, surprised at the opulent interior of the building. Taking the offered seat, he sighed in relief as a shiny Mister Handy jabbed a stimpak into the flesh of his upper arm.  "Make yourself at home." The dark-skinned officer said. The robot laid a meal out for the two men, pouring glasses of wine. Carson took a drink, relaxing slightly. He sampled the meal. "A fine spread." He complimented, taking another pull of the wine. The Mister Handy began a playback of "Spring", a piece of music from a Pre-War composer. Carson said little for the next couple of minutes, eating steadily.  After clearing his plate, he leaned back. "Thank you. I needed that, and no mistake." He paused. "Word also travels about the...problems the Order has been experiencing. I hear of a Revolution in the underbelly of Orleans. Is it true?" One of Carson's main objectives was to evaluate the severity of the populist insurgency in the region. Hopefully by signing on with the King's men he could get a close look. He took a thick cigar from the waterproof pocket of his greatcoat. "Do you mind if I smoke?" He asked.