[@Ordure] Longshot was caught somewhat off-guard by the 'Order Knights' guarding the bridge. It was blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that these were raiders of some sort, attempting to make a quick payout with a toll. However, Longshot was in no position to fight the highwaymen, so he pulled a small pouch out of his bandolier, which contained a bit over 200 caps. It was by no means all of his money, but it still put a dent into his funds. He tossed it to the man, saying "That should cover the toll, plus a little extra, since I know you Order Knights have been having a bit of trouble with rebels." He gave the man a wink as he spoke. Longshot hated to give away his hard-earned caps, though he had been told that his clearing out of the raider camp would garner him enough to replace this loss, as long as his employer stayed true to his word. Once given the go-ahead, he would walk across the bridge, eager to make it back to town.