[@Ordure] The next few moments were an odd blur of robotic jargon that culminated in a brief shower of sparks that shot out of C3s exposed innards; the whole scene enough to make Boss take a noticeable step back. In all honesty he half expected the odd robot man to just blow up on the spot. However before even having a chance to respond the mechanical man was off; Boss watching as his greeter hurried back down the river obviously off to take care of more important robot duties. Boss really hoped he hadn't missed anything too important when he was having all the rules of the trade town explained to him in rapid succesion; hell, Boss was still just trying to wrap his head around why he had been greeted with a cry of mercy? Watching C3 disappear into the crowded dockside left Boss feeling slightly uneasy-he was used to ghouls, mutants and even the occasional clumsy robot but never in his life had he encountered anything as seemingly advanced as C3; even more troublesome though was that Boss could already see a fair number of these same hollow men stalking the streets. He pushed the thought aside for now though, returning his attention to the job at hand. "Allright, were good to come on out Ted." Boss shouted as he turned around and made his way to the cabin of the ship which was in actuality little more then a glorified giant metal box. "Oh yeah? Whats the password?" Ted spat back, his raspy mischievous voice echoing from within the cabin. Boss also swore he heard Cat laugh soon after. "Oh fuck off, will ya?" Boss grunted while giving the locked cabin door a slight kick. The sound of several locks being turned was quickly followed by the painful groaning of the cabin door opening-Ted literally throwing his full weight into pushing the heavy thing open. "Just had to make sure it was you Boss. Can never be too careful, eh?" Ted asked while wearing his signature cocky grin (which on his ghoulish face really looked more like a snarl to the untrained eye.) Leisurely making his way past Boss onto the ship deck the leather jacket wearing ghoul began to do what looked like his own form of stretches accompanied by the rythmic counting of "And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4..." Boss had to bite his tongue; he liked Ted after all but the mans seemingly endless antics tended to grate on Boss after awhile. It was also completely beyond Boss's comprehension how out of the fourty most experienced Caravaners Ted was one of the last three alive. Luckily Cat had also made it this far, a woman whose perky and quite demeanor was more in line with Boss's personality; but more importantly was the fact that most days she was the one person who kept Boss from throttling Ted to death. Following in the ghouls footsteps Cat also made her way out of the cabin, the sun bouncing off both her extremely blonde hair that she kept in a tight ponytail and the large black sunglasses she always seemed to wear. Of all three she seemed dressed most appropriately for the weather; her old patched up army fatigues fitting that sweet spot of 'not to cold and not to hot.' "So, whats the plan Boss?" Cat asked as she stared in the direction of Ted. For a brief moment Boss wondered if she was staring at the Ghouls ass or the busy trading post directly behind Ted-he really hoped for both of their sakes it was the later of the two. "Well like normal your in charge of old chucklehead while Im gone-gonna do my best to check out the area, see if I can't find somebody to take a look at this piecea trash before it decides to completely sink." Boss replied while nodding to the extensive dammage that was...well...everywhere. The fact that the little rectangular barge hadn't even begun taking on water yet was a true testament to old world manufacturing. "Sure thing Boss, bring me back somethin good to eat though. Deal?" Cat asked while flashing a toothy smile Boss's way. Boss was about to tell Cat ok when he was cut off by Ted. "And some booze for your loyal crew too. Oh and a radio, check out the local scene you know? Maybe one of them robots to? Imagine me, in charge of a robot-hell I'd even dress him up all snazzy, call em jeeves or somethin. Oh! And-" Boss stepped off the ship before the urge to turn his three man crew into a dynamic duo became to great. No sooner had he set foot on the actual docks was he seemingly whisked away by the current of people moving every which way-like a piece of driftwood Boss just let the crowds guide him for awhile to see just where he would end up. Part of the fun in seeing different settlements, especially the larger variety like this, was just the random exploration Boss thought to himself as a particularly large group of scarlet wearing men strode past him in unison. He couldn't help but let out a sharp whistle as they passed, his eyes lingering on the myriad of laser weapons they openly sported. Whoever these guys were they sure had the caps. He doubted there was any coincidence that they were marching towards the direction of gun fire just outside the settlement. Before long Boss had found his way to a seedier section of the large outpost; a fact that made Boss chuckle to himself. Leave it to him to always find his way to the shittiest part of town, he thought. Looking for a spot to catch his bearings he decided it would be best to get off the street for a few moments; afterall he stuck out somewhat even among the rather varied populace. Between his duster, scarf, and dirty goggles atop his head it was clear this was a man who still dressed for more arid and dessert conditions-a fact that not only made him stick out like a sore thumb but could no doubt be his downfall in the summer months to come.