[center][h1][color=blue][b]Johanna Phillips Quantum HQ Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] Johanna's cries of agony echoed throughout the white tiled room. Her muscles instantly contracted as they zapped her again. Not only did each new current appear stronger than the previous but the fact that they drenched her in water only seems to make matters worse. However, she didn't bother to fight back knowing full well there was no point to it. They had strapped her tightly into the chair, both hands and legs bound and secured with heavy metal chains preventing her from escaping. The more she would struggle the more it hurt so as the saying goes 'she took it like a man.' Apart from some odd twitches and muscles spasms from the electricity coursing throughout her body she remained almost completely motionless. And besides the occasional scream which seemed to a way for her to slightly subdue this excruciating pain she appeared to be pretty quiet. No foul language. No signs of aggression. Just pure contentment in a sense. Meanwhile in the viewing room. "Why did he have her name circled? It's like he knew she..." "We don't know and there is no point in speculating." The grey haired woman was quick to cut Agent Black off seeing him became rather agitated with the whole matter. "We are just going to have to wait until he is fully recovered before questioning him again...in the meantime we have assigned agents to decipher the data." The room fell silent for a couple of minutes. "What's with the video?" Agent Black's eyes trailed away from Johanna and up towards the large LCD screen which was built into the ceiling of the room. "Just something to remind her what side she is on...and who is in control..." The older woman mumbled the last part more to herself. "I think she had enough." "I agree." She signals her inferiors to stop and release Johanna. "..she has had some difficult weeks and therefore our associates believe it's best for everyone if we take her off this mission and put her on something less...stressful as you might say. Maybe recon or something similar...mind you she can be put anywhere but the 'combat zone'. Do you understand?" Agent Black nodded his head whilst his eyes focused back on Johanna. Three men completely dressed in white slowly begin to drag Johanna's half conscious body of the metal chair. They tried to get her to stand on her own feet but she immediately collapsed straight back into their arms. Without hesitation the three men quickly stripped her down, sprayed her with what looked like a garden hose before dragging her into the next room to get redressed. "AND our associates would like her under 24 hour supervision, so be sure to sign her up with a new partner...preferably one of our veterans." The woman dismisses herself and then vanishes out the door. Johanna simultaneously appears from the opposing door the elderly woman had left from. "What's up?" She casually utters before rubbing her fingers across a small puncture wound on her neck. Agent Black took a few steps back eyeing her suspiciously. Only minutes earlier had he seen her being dragged across the floor barely conscious and now she stood in front of him right awake and showing no signs of injury. She even had her usual child like smile plastered across her face. "...Wanna take a picture it'll last longer?" Johanna joked seeing Agent Black just staring at her like a stunned mullet. [i]What the hell is his problem? Must be this God awful black and white stripped pant suit they put me in...look like a zebra...and why it gotta be so damn tight?[/i] "Uh sorry...I got a new mission for you. One of our agents on recon has missed two check-ins. His last mission was to look into what happened to that high school that got destroyed. I would like you to go follow up on it...and of course try find our missing agent. We believe he might've just got caught up with something and forgot to check-in, you know how those recon boys can be...oh and you have been assigned a new partner, Agent Walters he is waiting for you in the garage. So hurry along...and try to behave yourself." Before she could object Agent Black vanished out the door. Johanna just rolled her eyes before proceeding on her way. [i]I did not just sit through that crap to be placed on recon...there better be some action.[/i] [center][h1][color=blue][b]Demolished High School Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] "Wow....glad my parents didn't waste money on private school...what a shit hole," Johanna's chuckled to herself as she placed her shades on and then stepped out of the vehicle. "Come on Walter grab your notepad and let's go investigate."