Let's assume any settlement/arcology/bio-dome on Mars is for all intents it's own city-state, self governed etc. belonging to a larger group called the [b]Martian League[/b]. The ML has no real power and is only a half-assed attempt to get Mars under some sort of semblance of self-government. It's not going well and the Corporations exploit this to no end. Not to mention all the terrorists and criminals. That being said, the most influential and reliable city-state is Elysium City (for now) and that's solidly in the hand of VULcan Tech for a couple reasons: It pulls most of it's labor from Elysium (miners and pilots, support staff) making the city mostly sympathetic to VULtech and the income from said workers goes directly back into the Elysium City economy. [hider=Non FF stuff] [@ArenaSnow] -[color=slategray] still wondering how much I'm willing to invest in this. On one hand, worldbuilding! On the other... less attention for this and another one (which actually was supposed to be up by now, I'll have to poke the GM on that one). So for now I'll resist throwing actual weight into it, but I might get into it at a later point. Heck, if I wasn't deeply invested in two Rp universes (on this site, never mind others) I probably would have offered to help manage things. See a little about me here.[/color] It's all good man. I have major ADHD when it comes to creativity so you'll probably see me all over the place. I just have the most invested in FACTION at the moment. Plus I love to worldbuild more than roleplay. But I get it-ATLAS is a more casual thing that might not even last a round or two. Not to mention most NationRPs tend to slow waaaaay the hell down after the initial flurry of posting. [/hider]