[h2]Fan Sylo[/h2] Fan jerked her X-Wing sideways, pitching it through the rain of green fire and then rocking it back around to take aim. The interceptors were fast, sure, but just like any other TIE they lacked both in shields and in armor. Nearly everything had been stripped out in order to make them as fast as possible. They were hard targets, sure, but a couple of good shots could cripple or destroy even the speediest Squint. That was the fact that firmly held itself in Fan's mind as she tried to center one of the maneuverable craft in her crosshairs and opened fire. Her shots missed, red light streaking by and just barely missing the TIE. The good news now was that they were mostly attempting to focus fire on the [i]Ardent Liberty[/i]. That was also the bad news, but it would take a lot more for the fighters to do anything serious to a Corvette. A few of the Interceptors peeled off and opened fire on her, forcing her to roll her craft to the side. But if they stayed calm they could handle this, right? There weren't really that many fighters, and she could guess the Imperials didn't want a drawn-out fight up here! And... there! This time Fan knew she had the enemy in her sights! Jamming her fingers down on the controls to fire, she managed to catch one of the Interceptors in the base of one of its solar receptors, where the hooked 'wing' connected with the eyeball-like cockpit. There was a flash of sparks and fire and smoke, and the Squint came apart where the shots had hit, spiraling downwards as flames rolled out from the damaged spot. She spotted a few more explosions, as several TIEs were caught by fire from the Ardent Liberty's cannons. The rest broke off and tried to ascend further. They were really focusing on the corvette...! Just as she began to tilt up to pursue the attackers before they do another run, she saw the shape of an X-Wing going down! For a moment, she was terrified, but seconds later she heard a report from the pilot that he was okay, he'd just crashed. That was a relief, at least...! Nearby, she saw another TIE Interceptor breaking off, and soon descending with flame pouring from its engines, as one of her fellow pilots, Wix judging by the X-Wing, successfully managed to do some critical damage. That A-Wing though... was that one of the jedi?! She made so risky moves, but managed to put a shot right through the cockpit of one of the Squints! It was like these weren't the best pilots the Imperials had to offer... or that the Children of the Emperor's fanaticism made them throw themselves at their goal with reckless abandon. They'd done a good job, but it would take more then that to cut through the swarm of TIEs! [hr] [h2]Saku Rira[/h2] Frustration mounted as the droid hurried away to assist the crew. She couldn't assist, not directly, with this battle. Not until they reached the ground. But she had to assist in some way... what kind of jedi would she be if she did not? "Shurima, I'm heading for the bridge," she said, glancing at the other jedi for a moment before breaking off into a sprint. The [i]Ardent Liberty[/i] was abuzz with activity, engineers hurrying to keep the shield generators monitored, gunners working hard to keep the fighters at bay... All the while, Saku hurried through the white corridors, sprinting across them until she reached those final doors to the corvette's bridge. Without pause, she passed through them. Immediately, her eyes were treated to the open view of the outside, of fighters reeling by, and the occasional flare of an explosion or laserfire. But what she was focused on... she felt it earlier, too. There was something... wrong down on the surface of Nar Shaddaa, beyond the usual criminal dealings. "Captain Tyrrhan?" she called, swiftly making her way across the floor and looking up at the taller woman, "There's something strange here. We need to land as soon as possible. The moment we have an opening through these fighters. There's something wrong down there on Nar Shaddaa." At the moment, there was no carrier in sight. The TIE Interceptors, who were at last taking more evasive tactics suited to the fighters they were piloting, had seemed to come from no clear source. [hr] The blonde-haired woman seemed taken aback for a moment when the mantid approached her and asked for a job. However, she quickly composed herself. "I'm certain your services are excellent. However, I'd appreciate if you did not insult my guards," said Tras Oren, folding her arms across her chest, "Regardless, I'm open to the suggestion. An added gun is an added gun, after all. I do have my own... more unique forces at my disposal for the purposes of this mission, however." She spotted one of the others here, another bounty hunter whom she had seen arrive with the mantid, speaking to Grogga as the various crime lords murmured among themselves. Grogga himself looked as if he was considering the words of the hunter. "{This deal is an enormous one, Bounty Hunter,}" came the slimy, rumbling voice of the hutt, "{But I share your concerns. The Republic can and will retaliate if they learn we had involvement in the attack on their ship. The moment they do. These Imperials could abandon us the moment they receive their information!}" Without pause, Tras Oren turned fully to face the hutt. "I understand your concerns, wise Grogga. And indeed, the concerns of all those present. However, as we speak, the lives of my men are on the line, some being lost, in order to protect you." Her hands traveled to her her sides. "Brave Imperial lives are ending in the name of your defense. Not only that, but we are losing equipment in your defense as well. That, I hope, should demonstrate how much this deal means to us. If it does not, however..." She brought a commlink up. "We have one layer of defenses I am certain you do not without us." The Dark Acolytes were being summoned, now.