[@Argetlam350] [h2][center][color=ed145b][b]Aria Kelly[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Aria let out a sigh as the students settled up. He calmly shot an look at the one with the broken nose as he handed Aria his card. As he brought the piece of plastic back, he grabbed the young man by the collar and brought his ear to his lips. [color=ed145b][b]"Next time you talk to a woman like that, I'll make sure you leave here with more than just a broken nose. I'm running a business here and I don't need you scaring it off by thinking with your cock."[/b][/color] Aria let the child go and grabbed himself a glass. Like the tipsy ducklings, they students followed each other out of Aria's bar, which left the place feeling rather desolate. Most of his employees got off at this time and began to clean and pack up. Aria took his now beer filled glass over to his possible new employer. Aria set his glass down on his side of the bar and smiled happily toward her. [color=ed145b][b]"I'm sorry. The young ones always try to make it with confidence alone. Wit doesn't appear to them as attractive until after they graduate. Anywho, I guess it's about time we got to business. So what do you need me to do. Please say hunting demons, because I could truly use a change in scenery for a week or so. You wouldn't believe how much of a rut you can get into running a bar. The same 5 people always buy the same 5 drinks. Your's was the first bloody mary I've served this era."[/b][/color] Aria soon noticed that the woman had been looking at her wrist before Aria interrupted her inner monologue. Under his present condition, he couldn't read the markings. His voice got low. [color=ed145b][b]"Or... am I tracking down your lover? I'll do my best to help, but I'm not sure I can do anything without a lead."[/b][/color] He said before taking a large sip from his drink. She facial expression was that of great concern. He eyed her curiously waiting for her to respond.