Rob's grave. Time to put one's money where one's mouth was, so goes the expression. Mikhail went looking for the grave site, and ended up asking one of the former guards for directions. Finally, he reached it, a plot of earth outside the compound that was, remarkably, overgrown with grass and even roses. And he can see it; a mound of earth with flowers and a cross, just as Fred described. Tears came to his eyes, as he remembered how Rob had devised the escape plan, and how he had tried to lead the kids to safety, paying the ultimate price. Coming over to the grave, Mikhail cried for a few minutes, before it hit him. Rob was a candidate for being a Champion as well, either of the power of Hope that Mikhail had now, or something like Courage. However, it was more obvious, less hidden, and that was why he died. Tears faded, to be replaced with new dedication. Time to see how Fred was doing. Then, a fear overcame Mikhail; what if there were [i]razors[/i] in that bathroom?! If that was the case, he may have allowed Rob's brother to be in danger, and that, that cannot be allowed. [@Ikthaias]