[@TalijaKey] Abel makes it to the stand ignoring his wrist but his balled fist betrays him. He doesn't want to get hurt...he has to admit he's a bit scared of meeting whoever the name on his wrist belongs to. What if they are human...or a monster hunter...or allergic to felines. He shakes his head a bit and looks at the hot dog vendor. He has an odd way of eating hot dogs and he always gets looks when he does it, but he is hungry and doesn't care. "4 hot dogs no buns...please" the vendor raises and eyebrow but gives the guy the hot dogs. Abel nods and pays for them. He then walks over to a tree across from Manu and eats the cooked mixed meat. It seemed like almost in a blink of the eye all four hot dogs vanished. Abel wipes his hands on the napkins he grabbed and tosses them in a trash can. His wrist now almost unbearable causing him to twitch it several times while looking around. He hopes he's fully awake and that his soulmate wouldn't vanish forever.