[@Ordure] Sebastian turned and made his way towards the building that the Super Mutant had indicated. As he walked away he heard the whine of a gatling laser, strangeā€¦ from the sound of the blasts impacting her could determine that they were erratic. The logical conclusion he thought, either the mutant enjoyed using the weapon too much, or he had an injury of some sort that stopped him aiming it properly. As Sebastian continued walking he came to another marble building draped with the same banners as before. There were soldiers training in outer courtyards shooting targets with laser rifles and more mundane arms. Whilst others did press ups or spared with one another. This was the place he thought and strode towards the building. As Sebastian kept walking he looked for a quiet spot, time to make an entrance he thought to himself. He hid himself away behind some crates off to one side and activated his suits stealth field. With the familiar fizz the field engaged. To any observers it would appear as if Sebastian had just vanished into thin air, if they'd looked closer though they might have been able to make out a vague outline of a man who now crouched low. He made his way around the back of the barracks block and waited for a soldier to leave a door ajar. He got his opportunity when a soldier stepped out to smoke, the man didn't even suspect Sebastian might be there, as the mercenary darted through the open door behind him. Once inside Sebastian was struck by the smell of alcohol and smoke. As he paced around the edge of the room still in the shadows he noted the presence of a ghoul at the head of a large table. Sat around him seemed to be other more junior officers and they were all shouting and arguing gesticulating at a map. Sebastian smiled to himself, this seemed perfect, too many jobs and not enough hands, a perfect opportunity. Sebastian silently drew his sword from its scabbard at his waist and made his way around the edge of the room. Once he was in position opposite the ghoul in charge he strode up to where the troopers were arguing with his stealth field still engaged. In the half-light of the room none of the men seemed to notice, all far to preoccupied with the map. Sebastian rested the tip of his blade in between his feet placing both his hands atop the hilt. Then, he deactivated the Stealth field. For a moment no one seemed to notice then several figures dropped their cigarettes and so forth and went to draw weapons from their holsters. All except the commander who began laughing, Sebastian remained unmoving looking directly at the ghoul who appeared to be in charge. 'Captain Fillimore?' he inquired in a monotone.