[b]Name:[/b] Hata Arashi [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Normal Appearance:[/b] [hider=Open for image] [center][img]http://s22.postimg.org/f39mgmmb5/11080fc966b353a099d9ee9d56168024.jpg[/img][/center] Arashi stands at 1.75 meters, has short, dark purplish hair and dark red eyes. His frame looks slim with his clothes on, but he exercises regularly, so his physique isn't too shabby. [/hider] [b]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?:[/b] Yes. [b]Avatar Appearance:[/b] His avatar appearance is pretty much the same as his real life appearance, though he tends to use seasonal clothing and changes it depending on the nearest holiday or the current season. [b]Dueling Avatar Name:[/b] Byzantium Lasher [b]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/b] [hider=This one is f-ing tiny] [center][img]http://s27.postimg.org/fblqug6rn/2016_01_08_15_44_22.png[/img][/center] His dueling avatar is 15 centimeters bigger than him, standing at a solid 1.90 meters. His avatar had long faulds that stay just centimeters away from the floor and wields a shield on its left arm. At the top of the helmet, there is a snake ornament. [/hider] [b]Rank:[/b] Lv. 6 [b]Legion?:[/b] Yes, Purple Legion (still without a king, though, so I'll wait for that to change the name) [b]Other:[/b] Arashi tries his best to convince himself he is a pragmatic who can live just fine without approaching others. Believe me when I tell you, he is not. Arashi spends lots of time alone, whether it is reading a book or playing a video game in his Neuro-Linker, perhaps simply listening to music too, he seems to love spending time alone. He is seen as a loner by many, and hard to approach due to the fact that he seems to always have a frown in his face. This is a rule that applies to almost everyone, except to those friends he has made, and will make, inside Brain Burst. Arashi cherishes every single bond he has with anyone. He wishes to keep them close and support them however he is able to, but that stopped applying for the real world a long time ago. After his best, and only, friend in elementary school left for another prefecture without saying a word to him, Arashi felt betrayed. Even though they were always together, he had not even thought of saying something to him as he left. The years passed and Arashi eventually forgot about it, but he kept the subconscious reflex of keeping away from people, even if they reached out to him. The more time he spent alone, the more he tried to convince himself he wasn't lonely. Luckily for him, his high scores in fighting games attracted someone to him, who then gave him the installation program for Brain Burst. With his avatar and fighting skills, he quickly became a powerful warrior of the Purple legion, and, thanks to his already amiable, if suppressed, personality, he was quick to become friends with most of them. Though his 'Guardian' has long since left the game after an streak of losses that made him lose confidence in himself (not to mention his approaching college entrance exams that did not let him focus), Arashi is still playing the game, though he has lost contact with his guardian. He often wonders if he still has the game or if did he uninstall it. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Himenokouji "Himeno" Chitoge (Last name, first name) [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Normal Appearance:[/b] [hider=Chitoge] [center][img]http://s28.postimg.org/q3fvf0acd/58277587aabfe47af276fe176be8545b.png[/img] Chitoge is a 1.55 meters girl with a really small and slim frame. She keeps her brown hair in a pair of small twintails by the sides of her head. Her right, and only, eye is of a brownish orange color and she keeps the other one, the one she does not have, concealed with a rather technological looking eyepatch. Believe it or not, she actually does this because she thinks it looks badass and make her if a bit intimidating.[/center][/hider] [b]Brain Burst Installed/Burst Linker?:[/b] [b][color=f26522]"How do ya eat THAT?"[/color][/b] Translation from Kansai-ben, she means to say she doesn't have it installed. She's looking for a Guardian, though! If anyone will have her, then don't hesitate [b]Avatar Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Result Of Bad Decisions] [center][img]http://s27.postimg.org/kjhej28lf/sample_3f39f47030662625c58e5932fa977bce.jpg[/img][/center] ....I've no smart-assy comments for this one. I just HAD to use it. Same size, though it has two eyes aaand a ginormous duck outfit. [/hider] [b]Dueling Avatar Name:[/b] Chromium Idol [b]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/b] [hider=Changed her duel avatar appearance and now it is huge] [center][img]http://s2.postimg.org/7o3dwptex/sample_e8225660213711e4d0e159ea9e431143.jpg[/img][/center] Thanks to a pair of high heels, Chitoge's avatar stands at 1.60 meters. It has a pair of twintails that reach slightly past her shoulders, a purple visor that emits light and a skirt that reaches just above her knees. It is completely made out of chrome and shines whenever the light hits it. Its weapon of choice is a microphone she always carries with herself. Unlike Chitoge's real self, Chromium Idol actually has depth perception thanks to not having traditional 'eyes' and instead favoring a visor over that that adapts perfectly to the lack of one eye. She also loses her accent while in her duel avatar. [/hider] [b]Rank:[/b] 1 [b]Legion?:[/b] [b][color=f26522]"Err, you talkin' about that ol' book, the Bible, no?"[/color][/b] [b]Other:[/b] A girl with a heavy kansai accent and a love for fantasy and sci-fi. Unlike what most of the people think, that she uses her eyepatch because she suffers of the infamous 'chuunibyo' or 'Middle School Syndrome' that makes people fantasize about having supernatural powers (though she does believe that), she uses an eyepatch because she actually does not have an eye, which makes her lack good depth perception and also makes her slam herself against more than one wall or streetlights while she walks. There is no violence or such involved in her losing an eye, though. She suffers from Anophthalmia, a rare condition that caused one of her eyes to not form while her mother was pregnant. Though she has been offered a prosthetic eye before, she always refuses because she firmly believes that the eyepatch looks cooler. Most people believe that she is a real tomboy, mostly because her accent doesn't let her talk girly (she's tried to get rid of it, really. She's just found it really, really damn hard), but she's actually a hopeless romantic with a deep, deep love for fairy tails. She actually thinks of herself as being rather childish, what with her room filled with stuffed animals and whatnot. Her favorite hobby is reading any kind of fiction, and she vastly prefers reading books in their original, hard cover format, instead of the highly popular e-books that many people read in their own Neuro-linkers, though she too is no stranger to reading those if she cannot find a hard cover copy of her favorite, and currently famous, authors. Lately and after she just entered high school, she's tried her best to keep her delusions to a minimum and has been attending extra Japanese classes to get rid of her accent. To be honest, she'd like to experience love at least once while she is in high school, she calls it, [color=f26522][b]"The spring of my youth. I'm real look'n forwar' to it, I do."[/b][/color] A chance encounter with Furukawa Shin seems to be about to change the way she looks at the world, though, and make her realize that maybe it really is fiction copying reality.