[i][u]Caleb, Robyn, and Valencia[/u][/i] A whirlwind of fire erupted behind the three, close enough for them to feel the lick of the flames. The chaos forced them each to jump back – right over the edge and down into the trench. They landed in a mess of tangled limbs down at the bottom, sore but otherwise intact. [color=orangered]"Yeah, great plan,"[/color] came Cináed's rasping voice from above them. [color=orangered]"Don't really see where falling over yourselves like a bunch of tots played in there, but I'm eager to find out."[/color] He seemed annoyed – and maybe a little petty – but above all, he was soaking wet. His mess of dark hair was plastered to him, and his heavy cloak was soaked through. He leaned on his staff more heavily than he had before, and seemed out of breath. [color=orangered]"You do know there was a [i]bridge,[/i] right?"[/color] Cináed nodded to the left at the invisible bridge Caleb had refused to cross not too long ago. Its outline was visible in the form of water droplets and the odd river stone flung atop it. The shining beads closest to the trio began to give off a faint glow. [@jordy0403][@LizLegend][@ariplotter] [hr] [i][u]Jacob[/u][/i] Consciousness crept back to Jacob, along with the realization that he wasn't where he'd fallen asleep. He wasn't in his home, his town, his [i]world[/i]. He was lying on a patch of uneven grass, a loose gathering of trees shading him from the sky. A female voice cut through the air. [color=hotPink]"[i]Mother[/i]–"[/color] the curse was cut off with a hiss. Hidden behind a few trees, there sat a girl around Jacob's age. She was small and slight, with brown skin and pale green eyes. Her hair, long and straight, was an iridescent sort of white that seemed to glint any other color it pleased. She sat with her back pressed a tree, her fists balled in the grass on either side of her. There was a dagger imbedded in her shoulder. She hissed again through gritted teeth, and the dagger began to pull itself from her flesh. Eventually it was out, floating a few inches from her as though held up by string. Her crimson blood stained the harsh metal. The girl glared at it for a time before it darted away from her, flying straight and true until its edge imbedded itself deep into a tree directly across from her. [color=hotPink]"Son of a [i]bitch,[/i]"[/color] she muttered, pressing her hand to her shoulder with a wince. [@Night_ Star] [hr] [u][i]Luce[/i][/u] A stillness had overtaken the woman and for a long moment she might've been sleeping. But when Luce spoke up, her body reacted, alert as ever, though her eyes remained closed. [b]"Hush,"[/b] came her short reply as she raised a hand. The air grew steadily heavier, static dancing off of Luce's skin and down her throat. The breath froze in her lungs as a haze overtook the small, ramshackle room. Then it flashed green, and just like that Luce's breath returned to her and the air was light again. The old woman opened her eyes again and they fell on Luce. [b]"Different people call the world different things, but it ain't got no official name. None that I know, at least."[/b] She pushed herself out of her chair in a halting, laborious motion. [b]"Ward's up. You've got a few minutes to leave if you want to before it takes full effect. If not, there's a set of spare blankets in that cupboard there."[/b] She nodded towards a box nailed to the wall with a crooked blank of wood on it. It could hardly be called a cupboard. [b]"Only got one bed, so it'll be the floor for you."[/b] [@alina13] [hr] [u][i]Bishop[/i][/u] The bartender glanced over to Bishop just as he'd hoped. The portly man raised an eyebrow in interest at the thought of new trade – only to drop his glass when he saw the glowing, sopping wet bag that rested in the counter. [b]"All the hells below,"[/b] he muttered under his breath. [b]"You idiot…"[/b] His eyes snapped up to Bishop. [b]"Out!"[/b] he barked. [b]"Outta this bar, outta this [i]town[/i]!"[/b] Other patrons were glancing up at the bartender's outburst. He wasn't particularly well liked, but he had more sense than any of them cared to admit. If something was working him up this much, it likely wasn't anything good. A woman, large, armored, and imposing sauntered up to the bar. [b]"Alright George, what's the trouble you're yapping about this time?"[/b] Her tone betrayed none of her unease as she approached. But then her eyes found the glowing bag. [b]"Tell me that's not what I think it is."[/b] Her eyes shot to Bishop in an accusatory glare and she snatched the bag up. Yanking it open, she reached in a picked up a dead, dissolving creature from the river. [b]"You really are a special kinda stupid, aren't you?"[/b] Dropping the creature back in the bag, she grabbed Bishop's arm, her grip like a vice. [b]"Alright, out you go. We don't need Itsaso raining down her fury here again. Barely managed to unflood the town last time."[/b] She hauled Bishop towards the door, all but throwing him out. [@Bishop]