[img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Profile%20mjjk_zpsmxbdccoq.jpg[/img] [b]Back to the basics[/b] [i]Full Name[/i] Joseph Leonard O’Shea [i]What I go by [/i] Old Joe, The Chief, The Geezer (put it down as Old Joe on the ID card thingy) [i]Age[/i] 73 [i]Birth Date[/i] 3rd March 1942 [i]Sexuality[/i] Heterosexual [i]I’m the[/i] Don,[i]loyal and faithful to the[/i] Irish Mafia. [b]The Reflection in the Mirror[/b] [i]Height[/i] Standing straight he reaches 6”3, though his age means he walks with a cane, and slumps his shoulders, causing him to drop to about 6”0 [i]Weight [/i] 175lbs [i]Eye Color[/i] Blue [i]Hair Color[/i] Grey (formerly brown) [i]Identifying Marks[/i] Most of his left ear is gone from taking a bullet during the troubles when he was a young man. [b]Weaponry & Skills[/b] [i]Standard Weapon[/i] A Taurus snub nose revolver, and a short length shillelagh. [i]Skills[/i] Smart Businessman Master at planning heists. [i]Strengths[/i] Fantastic Negotiator and Master Manipulator. [i]Weaknesses[/i] His age has made him fragile, and he keeps 2 bodyguards with him at all times. No hearing in his left ear due to the bullet injury. He’s very stuck in the old ways of the organized criminal underworld, and is dismissive of new ideas. [b]Things I waste my Time With[/b] [i]Hobbies[/i] Drinking, smoking, and spending the night with high class prostitutes who aren’t even a third of his age. [i]Likes[/i] Whiskey Cigars and Pipes Young Women Money [i]Dislike[/i] Gays Minorities The English Being disrespected People with no motivation or cause [b]What I’m Really Like[/b] Old Joe is a hard-nosed bastard of a man. Constantly swearing and shouting, even when he’s in a good mood, though the shouting may be due to him being deaf in one ear. A man with a fierce belief in Catholic family values and a fierce pride in himself and his homeland of Ireland. [b]All About My Past[/b] Born in Dublin 1942, his upbringing was anything but easy. He had a roof over his head, and a mother who always did what she could for him. By 10 he was robbing food from stores to feed himself and his mother. By 16 he was mugging drunken people stumbling home from the pub in back alleys at knifepoint. He stayed a delinquent for the next 10 years, robbing strangers for beer money, stealing cars and selling them off to a dodgy fella he knew, anything he could do, and anything he wanted to do. He stayed this way until the early 70s, where coming towards his 30s he learned of the troubles to the North, and joined up with the IRA to fight. He eventually became disillusioned with the fight for a united Ireland, and headed home to Dublin. His reputation had become known to family in America, and he received a letter from Phillip O'shea, a cousin of his mother who lived in New York and happened to be the leader of the West End Mob. He shipped off to the states, and when he landed in New York he began to rise through the ranks of the Irish Mob. In 1990, Phillip's son Thomas was killed along with Thomas's wife by the Cosa Nostra, leaving Thomas's young infant son Nathan parentless. Joseph was the one to exact revenge, killing 5 high ranking men in the Italian Mafia, and managing to pin the blame on another Cosa Nostra member. When Phillip passed away from Cancer in 1995, Joseph rose to take his place as the new Don of the West End Mob.