Name: Emi Demmric Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Nem Appearance: [url=]Black hair, red eyes, very pale skin, dark clothing[/url]. She is 3'1. Profession: Emi is unashamedly a con artist. Personality: Emi is cheerful, playful, and an utterly brilliant liar. She's also quite friendly, and rather unassuming in appearance. This lends her perfectly to being a con artist. She finds conning people unbelievably fun, though she limits herself to people who can afford it. Emi is a bit greedy when it comes to getting money, or items she can sell, but at the same time she's often extremely loose with the money she gets. She's also very willing to share it with people she knows(provided they know of her conning). Equipment/Weapons: Emi carries a small knife with her at all times. In addition to this, she usually has a series of fake rings and the like. Abilities: Brilliant lying, pickpocketing, and generally good stealth and infiltration skills. Brief Backstory: Emi has no memory of her family, having been abandoned when she was very young. As she grew up, she began to train herself to be a thief and a con artist, and has perfected her skills more and more as she's grown older. At fourteen, she is excellent at deception and fully capable of convincing someone that a wholly fake ring is very real. Name: Tanya Palayen Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: [url=] Tanya! She is very light-skinned, with purple hair and eyes. Her clothing is red and white, and obviously she's out of her armor here.[/url] She is 4'9 Profession: Paladin of Reon Personality: Tanya is a sarcastic and short-tempered individual. She has nothing but scathing comments for people she dislikes, or people she sees as stupid. Tanya is quick to be irritated and quick to respond to her irritation, sometimes violently. At least when it's violently it's not bad enough to result in any serious injury. She has a sarcastic response to many, many things. Tanya also dislikes that she is rather small, at least to some extent, and has feelings of jealousy towards those who are not so small. In spite of her temper and sarcastic attitude, Tanya firmly believes in protecting those who need it and upholding the law. She seeks to punish all those who do evil to the fullest extent(at least if they are deserving of such treatment). She also has a deep dislike for undead, given that much of her duty is to eliminate dangerous undead. However, she will not harm them unless they give her reason to(or if they're mindless monsters). Equipment/Weapons: Tanya has a suit of heavy armor, blessed to be much lighter on her then it would appear so that she can move while wearing it in spite of her small frame. She carries two weapons, the Holy Broadsword Helios and the Divine Sledgehammer Goldion. Helios is enchanted to produce bright flames when unsheathed. which is most effective at tearing apart the undead(though fire is pretty effective against a lot of things). It also has a system built into the hilt that allows the blade to vibrate when a button is pressed, allowing it to cut better. Goldion is a heavy warhammer that glows with a divine light, though it lacks any other particular abilities. Abilities: Tanya is a highly skilled fighter with two-handed weapons. As both of her weapons are two-handed, she may only use one at a time. Brief Backstory: Tanya is a Paladin of the goddess Reon, sworn to combat evil in her name. Aside from that, she was educated at the "Reon Girls Academy", a religious school for girls created by the Church of Reon. She also underwent combat training under other paladins serving Reon. Also one more bio coming but yeah, eh-heh.