Zander's eyes focused better in the darkened room, the only light from a candle flickering in the still air. The door stirring up just enough of the stench coming from Geoffrey's mother. He held back a retch, and forced himself to take a good look at her. Poison, or some form of it. Drank from the well that he had placed seals upon to keep others from drawing from it. She was the worst off then those with minor hives and it worried Zander to his core. Oh he could attempt to purge the slime from her skin, but it would reveal his darkest secret and even his own pride would never allow that. Clearing his throat gently, "I've arrived. You seem to be feeling better if you've lit the candle by your side." Zander smiled fondly at his patient. She was strong willed and refused to adhere to all of his rules. She was still young and full of spunk, Zander remembered her telling him. Now, what can I get a wee thing like you to eat? If he had any relatives, part of him wished she was one. He hurt, to see her like this, and it hurt that he only started healing the townspeople when he heard no stirring from the Church. If he had acted sooner... "Not even listening to me..." Olga coughed out. "Lost in that wee head o' yours." Zander blushed scarlet and would berate himself later for forgetting to be attentive to his patient. "You younger pups, always off in lands beyond our own. Heroics and venture's I bet. Shoo, off you go, leave me to rest, you'll only wear yourself thin." Zander frowned, "I haven't even start--" "I hear the Mayor sent a runner for you," her eyes pierced into Zander's. Leaving him naked before her in a way only his father ever accomplished. "Said you was to head straight there when you came to see me." Zander's eyes widened. It would be less then two days for his stay. This, he was not looking forward to at all. Bowing on how way out he stopped and called back, "I could purge it from you... Before I go. I will!" Olga just laughed a wheeze, and shut her eyes. She knew when the Nine called to their children. Geoffrey would handle the Inn just fine, if she was gone. Zander was a good boy, troubled but good. --- Zander headed back down the stairs, Geoffrey was pacing a look of dread on his face. Zander lay a hand on the Muran's shoulder, kissed his cheek and headed out the Inn door way. [i]To the Mayor's,[/i] Zander thought at Geoffrey, even if he could not hear his inner speech. [i]Back here to Purge. Then to head away from this town.[/i] The walk there was uneventful, but seeing the imposing black door, with it's golden knocker and stone porchway had Zander sweating. This was too much like going home, this was too much like being caught as a young boy with wet blankets stuffed under the bed. This, was pure dread and he still hadn't reached his hand up to knock with the golden knocker on the imposing black door with it's stone porchway.