[center][b]Name: [/b] Nico Lytle [b]Age: [/b] 34 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [img][/img] [b]Profession: [/b] Research Staff, Masters Degree in Biology, specializes in human genetics. [b]Personality: [/b] kind hearted and is very respectful when not working. She tries to be as honest as possible and is very direct and gets straight to the point, rarely sugar coats the truth. When she's in the lab she seems to be a completely different person. She's strict and hates people lounging around, and is quite selfish. She does whatever it takes to get the job done, to her fullest extent. She would lie and withhold information if it would bald or slow work on there research. In either mood, she tends to have a soft spot for children. [b]Abilities or Weapons: [/b] Carries pepper spray, and knows weak points in the human body. [b]Skills: [/b] Extremely smart, especially in the scientific field. Knows some martial art, but nothing fancy. Knows basic knowledge of a gun and how to fire it. [b]Brief Backstory: [/b] Nico was raised at a ranch way back in a rural area where there wasn't a city for miles. She live a nice peaceful life and was somewhat like what people would call a redneck. She learned how to hunt with a rifle, with her father and her mother schooled her. When she was about 16 her parents decided it was best to sell the farm and move to the city. Although resistant to the idea at the time she quickly adjusted and made plenty of friends at her new school. She especially enjoyed biology, which was taught by a former professor at the nearby college. She'd usually stay back in class and asked him all sorts of questions about biology and science in general. Her passion for it grew and grew till where she is now. [b]Receiver Or Tuner: [/b] N/A[/center]