[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/7dbd/f/2012/041/e/2/render_anime_boy____by_afriellasan-d4pb629.png[/img] [center] [b]Name:[/b] John Smith [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Birthday:[/b] 2/30 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Job/occupation:[/b] Math Teacher [b]Appearance:[/b] He comes to work wearing loose dress pants, a untucked collared shirt, and a necktie he just throughs over his head so he never has to bother to retie it. On Casual Friday (even though there isn't such a think officially at school) and as well on the weekends he wears jeans and a t-shirt that references some sort of video game or comic book character. Teachers complain about his dress style but what does he care. However he's very dashing. His eyes are blue on the outside and green on the inside. He's blond haired and wears a black fedora he bought at Hard Rock Hotel. [b]Personality:[/b] Irresponsible if you want to sum him up in one word. Could care less of what people think of him and what they want him to think. He has a dry and crud sense of humor and is very talkative if you get him to have a actual conversation with him and not just say "yea, whatever." When he gives his lectures he likes to through in lots of funny references to almost anything that comes of the top of his head...if your paying attention. He will go straight through his lecture regardless if the entire class is talking over him and completely ignoring him, but be prepared for a pop quiz that he will grade and will be for a good portion of your grade the next day if you do so. He gives homework every day but rarely grades or even collects it, but that only means that test and quizzes have a even heavy weight on your grade because of this. If you catch him not working he's always willing to help you with anything as long as he has some idea of how to do it. From the way he acts most will find it surprising that he's actually a [I]REALLY[/i] smart guy when it comes to math. It's actually one of the reasons he's so good at most video games. He loves calculating everything and finding what the odds are of them happening, a few of his friends from high school used to call him a human calculator because he was able to crunch extremely large numbers really fast. [b]Backstory:[/b] Sadly it's commonly known that the only reason John is a teacher here is because they are short staffed. He left his previous jobs because he was either fired because of speaking his mind or there was a higher paying job he got. He has a apartment walking distance from the school and a Hello Kitty, adult sized, bicycle he got for 20 dollars. He's responsible enough to pay the bills, go to work, and feed himself but he blows his money on all sorts of toys, videogames, gimmicks, etc. Rewinding back to his childhood, he was a happy kid with a happily married mother and father. He grew up in the same town and has never left it to this very day, nor does he ever plan to. His mother stayed home while his father worked. He was very shy and quiet through elementary school but he grew more confident and became the class clown throughout middle and high school. He talked a lot and caused lots of mischief, but usually nothing terribly bad. He's never been to the principles office, though he was close a few times, but he slide his way around it. In high school that's when one might say his life derailed. He stopped turning in homework and played more and more games instead. He found it a waste of time when that was only partially true. He started to fail a few of his classes, besides math, that was C and sometimes a B. In the end he retook a year there and dropped out as soon as possible. He got accepted in the public collage and got a bachelor degree in education to become a teacher. Why a teacher? Because he thought he would be a amazing teacher. He had a part time job a McDonald's, a full-time job at GameStop, then a substitute teacher, and finally back to the present, a full time teacher. [b]Notes:[/b] He is not afraid of insulting anyone, regardless of who or what they are. He is the teacher supervisor for the anime club. (If that's ok) He has played and beat practically every decent videogame on the market. [/center]