[color=indianred][center][h2]Sulik[/h2][/center][/color] The soundscape roaring above the skyline drew a concentrated lack of interest from Sulik and the various thugs in the alleyway. Years of work had trained them to politely ignore any firefights and ship-to-ship combat near them. Such things were strangely common on Nar Shaddaa, and it wouldn't do well for them to pry into things. This kind of mindset is often the dividing line between a dull and successful thug and an inquisitive and [i]very[/i] dead thug. The fact that the people inside the warehouse sounded very riled up meant nothing to the simple, loyal knuckleheads outside. Sulik, however, was having none of it. Sulik impatiently rapped on the window of Delro's car. Tactfulness or professional confidentiality could wait, Sulik was [i]bored[/i]. "Valued customer," Sulik called through the thick glass to Lucar. "This area is not safe for you anymore. For a nominal fee, the Sulik Hunting Club can accept an additional contract, and secure an escape route for you." Sulik leaned heavily on the car, luckily avoiding the attention of the thugs around him. "Act now, sir, and we'll give you a [i]special bonus package[/i]! This is the best possible deal I can give you!" [@clanjos]