"Cade, I'd ask if you had any shred of dignity or backbone, but it's obvious that if you ever did have one, it'd be long broken through social whip-lash by now. How well practice a cover-up that was, just like a politician. Reminds me of the nible family's of Jasi. All honeyed words and poisoned daggers, though you probably couldn't handle the last part, if how tired you get riding a damn horse is any indication." Shadar's tone was curt, cold, and dismissive as he looked down at the man with nothing but disgust in his glowing white eyes. The man reminded him of a bug, skittering about in a conversation in an effort to avoid getting squased, and as a result, he'd give him the proper amount of respect such an insignificant creature deserved. [i]Why did we even need to bring his pathetic carcass with us? He'll slow us down, has nothing to offer but his words, and was likely to make things more difficult in the long run with his incompetence. It would've been better to let him be assassinated in the capital. I swear, that balde he wears at his side might as wel be for decoration, a child could disarm him with ease.[/i] Not wanting to spend another second of thought on Ennis, he turned his eyes to the girl, noticing the animalistic features with some interest. "Funny, we're heading to Gurata ourselves. Many like you there?" He asked, simply curious, though his tone may not have conveyed it as such given how it was constantly one of either irritation or dismissal. As he waited for a response, he thought over her story of the angel's. While he scoffed in disgust at her claiming that someone was 'watching over them', he did believe her story and it didn't sit well with him. Killing an entire raiding battalion of soldiers with just two people, while no small feat, was something he could ppossibly do, though it would most likely be a hard fought battle and there wouldn't be much of survival even then. Injuring a battalion enough to get them to retreat, while not killing any of them and not taking a scratch yourself. That took a terrifying and absolutely inhuman amount of skill and power. The thought of two people walking around like that set shivers down his spine, because what if their were others just as strong, but not so inclined in doing random acts of kindness and saving villages from destruction. It was terrifying . . . yet intoxicating, as he thought to his own origins and status as an 'angel' as the commonfolk called his kind. [i]Could I ever be that powerful? Would I even want to be, and more importantly, what would happen if I ever did?[/i] His scales rustled ever so slightly, only noticeable if one really paid attention, as a sign of his discomfort with the way his thoughts were headed. He didn't like this information, and even more so, he didn't want Drosil to have this information either. His brother would be driven more than ever to achieve such strength, thinking that it would open new doors for him, but Shadar worried about what that power would do to his head. The magic he already has is enough to make him exceedingly dangerous when he goes into one of his rages, so the thought of him gaining the level of power this girl was talking about was . . . a worrying thought. Shaking his head, he put those thoughts to the back of his mind, turning around slightly as he looked at the rest of their band. A slight hunger pang was making itself known in his gullet, but he smothered it with his will. He didn't want to reveal the truth about his form to them, especially to Cade. He didn't trust them and he doubted that they trust him either, That was the way things had always been, and that was the way they would likely stay.