Reena stepped out of her quarters, humming an old Sorlas sea shanty happily to herself as she meandered through the corridors towards the main hatch off of the ship and towards what would undoubtedly be some well-deserved rest and relaxation. After the crew had been debriefed and the ship and crew were out of danger and heading back to base, Reena had made a hasty retreat to her quarters to freshen up for the return trip, cleaning and filtering her suit, taking a moment's rest in the hydropod, and of course enjoying an absolutely massive strawberry vanilla milkshake made with the blender that she had "borrowed" from the break area on the way to her room. After running on fumes for days after dealing with the mole rats and being harassed by withdrawal symptoms, it felt heavenly to just immerse herself in the cool waters even for an hour or two. While she was physically feeling much better, she was still feeling a bit guilty over the incident involving her walking out on a dying team member. She wanted to blame her Hype withdrawal for what had happened, but she knew full well that she was lucid and in her right mind when she decided to take her wounded ego and leave back there. Reena tried not to think of what would have happened if Shashoon had died after she walked out of the medical bay. Most likely she would have been kicked off of the Marauders permanently and sent back to her cold dry cell back on Agriz 12, left alone for days as she tried not to scream out in pain when the Hype reared its ugly head. Part of her felt that she deserved to be sent back there anyway for even letting herself go that far. She wanted to apologize to Shashoon, apologize with more then just words for her selfish, hateful actions that almost lead to him dying a few scant hours earlier. Thankfully she had something in mind. Pausing at the door to Shaso͞on's quarters, she took the pot she was carrying under her arm and set it neatly next to the door, where he would be sure to spot it. In it was the remains of the strange red plant whose gooey discharge had saved its life. After it had burst, Reena was surprised to find the husk of the plant had transformed into a beautiful wide-petaled flower in a pleasant shade of mint green, far removed from the ugly bulbous wart it had once been. Straightening the petals out neatly, Reena placed a small placard at the roots, which read in light green lettering- "[color=39b54a][i]The Shaso͞on Blossom[/i][/color]" Staring at the little memento, she still felt it wasn't enough to show how truly remorseful she was about what she almost did. Still, it was a start, and it did make her feel a little better about enjoying her upcoming time off. Resuming her happy humming, she made her way to the exit hatch and stepped off the ship with the others, feeling better then she had in a long time. As she had no pressing matters to attend to, aside from a few more supplies and maybe a few rounds at the bar afterwards, Reena elected to remain at the ship entrance with Tango on the off-chance the rookies arrived before the captain returned. She was interested in seeing the fresh recruits for the Marauders, maybe even another Sorlas from one of the big Clans back home. She was eyeing a few lost-looking Sorlas travelers hopefully when she heard heavy footfalls nearby, which stopped a few feet away. [color=a36209]"I was told to come and meet the crew of the Monroe,"[/color] came a low-pitched, almost synthetic voice a few paces away [color=a36209]"Which I'll be joining."[/color] Reena turned to look at the speaker, the blank surprise on her face hidden safely behind the helmet of her environmental suit. Quickly regaining her composure, she took a moment to look over this rather large recruit for the team, eyes drifting from the blue face markings to the assault rifle slung across his back. Needless to say, this man was not a Sorlas. In fact, she wasn't entirely sure what this character was at all, though judging by his build and his choice of weapon, he must have been a soldier or mercenary, someone who had seen a lot of action before coming here. Most of all, she was struck by the tone which he had introduced himself with. Proud and forceful, he spoke as though he was the biggest badass in the universe, and he would take you on any day of the week to prove it. Whatever the reasoning behind it, Reena was going to enjoy having this guy on the team, that was certain. [color=9e0b0f]"You're in the right place for that,"[/color] Reena said in response, taking a few steps to close the gap a bit and extending her hand in friendship. [color=9e0b0f]"My name is Reena Vaemas val Mari'Dosvin. Who do I have the pleasure of introducing to the Marauders?"[/color]