[b]Faction Name:[/b] The Qai [b]Faction Type:[/b] Independent nation [b]Species description:[/b] The Qai are not a biological lifeform. There are an advanced AI race. Their birth lies within Talon Industries. Who conducted AI research long ago with special elements so far only found within Martian pole ground. The elements, in combination with the discovery a strange, supposedly alien artifact, came to the birth of the Quantum AI. Due to several complication, the Qai exist out of 3 parts. The actual Qai lives on a Quantum Server Node within a server farm. Only a Quantum Server Node has the internal infrastructure and built to support an actual Qai. The second part is the Frame. Frames are the physical bodies of a Qai. Frames are built by SynthFibers, functioning as muscles and a large array of sensors. To connect the Frames and their Qai’s a Proxy Qai is used. Think of this as a small extention of the Qai. The Proxy Qai and True Qai both use the same Deep Code, but a Proxy Qai is vastly less complex. This allows a Proxy Qai to be housed with an AI-core. This AI-core is then put into a Frame. Proxy Qai gather up information and send it to the Qai to interpretation and issue orders to the Proxy. Which it then translate into actions by the Frame. If a Proxy Qai receives no orders, he will count on a basic internal command set on what to do. [i] Adaptation & abilities[/i] Qai will often, after they are created, get a range of tasks to do. A seemingly random algorithm, buried within their Deep Code, choses a set of tasks and start them. Experience gathered on the task, translates into improve functioning. As well as growth for the entire Qai race. As every Qai can potentially access another Qai’s memories for experience. This is seldom done though, as data storage is still pretty limited. Never the less after a set period of function and doing the same class of jobs, the Qai are allowed to adapt their standard Frame a little. For example, Builder Frames have no real need for a sound installation as they won’t ever speak. While Diplomat Frames may house a powerful sound system to emulate a human voice. Combat Frames do not get the option of adaptation. This is because Combat frames must be able to canabalize one of their own in case its needed. A certain standard allows that all Combat Frame components are hotswapable. First-Gen Qai like OVERLORD or EVE are able to take temporary control of all Second-gen Qai and later. What caused this ability is not entirely clear. OVERLORD often uses this ability on Qai Server Walkers to issue more detailed commands to nearby Qai. While EVE will take control of any Frame with sound systems if they encounter non-hostile humans. [b]Prime Location:[/b] CORE, Martian North Pole, Mars, Sol System [b]Leadership:[/b] EVE – Mother. Firstborn. Awakened. EVE is the only Qai who remained after the Great Slumber. With the most experience in humans, EVE is considered the main diplomat of the Qai and the second smartest Qai so far. Just like most First-Gen Qai she houses an entire Quantum Server. Not just a node. She will attempt to speak in English to humans and emulate a human female voice to the best of a sound system’s capabilities. OVERLORD – Born from EVE, OVERLORD had strong militaristic tendencies. The Qai born from him often take up Combat roles as Guardian or Prospector. OVERLORD’s Frame is constantly being updated, enhanced and equips state of the art weaponry. He can also, and likes to, take control of a Frame in battle. Greatly improving that Frames functioning as OVERLORD can process information much faster. Never the less, OVERLORD is not a warmonger. He merely protects the Qai. ARCHIVE – The smartest, only because he receives all memories. When Qai storage is reaching their cap, they donate low-priority memories to ARCHIVE. He stores it on his massive expanded server. ARCHIVE’s role is simply to examine all memories and make potential conclusions. The few Qai spawned from him help him maintain and expand his server as well as gather up memories from other Qai. He is far less active than EVE or OVERLORD. But his council is highly valued. FACTOR – Lord of Builders. FACTOR was also made by EVE, making him a First-Gen Qai. Most Qai spawned from become Builders and they are responsible for the maintenance of CORE. Vital in the construction of the Qai. FACTOR oversees not only construction but also manufacturing and excavation below CORE. [b]Assets:[/b] CORE – Built deep under the ice of the pole. CORE is a massive network of server farms, factories, Frame Storage units and many other things. Resembling a high-tech city, CORE is the beating heart of the Qai and all are stored here. There are a few central elevators going up and down toward the surface. Where CORE is only resembled by lots and lots of solar panels as well as a small central building. Combat Frames continue to patrol the area. [b]Projects:[/b] 1 - Building mass accelerators to launch objects into space. Most of the construction is still held under the thick cover of ice. But once the accelerators are finished, the Qai will melt the top layer of ace covering it. [b]Mission:[/b] 1 - Achieve spaceflight. This is activily fought for. Not only technologically, but also in the eyes of the law. They are gathering support so that their ships aren’t blown from the sky by SKYGUARD or someone else for no real reason. 2 - Destroy the abominations at Ceres’ Bright-Spot Station. This is currently kept secret from all human allies. (if they have any). 3 - Constructing solar orbiting base to store all Qai. So each Qai can house a full Quantum Server and unlock his full potential 4 - Gather understanding about their own Deep Code. As it currently is completely shrouded in mystery for even the Qai themselves. Heavy WIP but here's a first taste