Billie sighed a bit, moving away from Storm a little as he sat at her back and laid with his head in his paws. It was the best thing about Storm, their bond was strong enough that he understood her almost as if he were human. She laid back, resting her head on his ribcage as she stared up at the sky, her eyes closing as the tears halted. She could remember the last time she cried. It hadn’t been in anger or sadness, but in fear. Not mortal fear or fear of anyone in particular even. It had been the night everything changed, she had almost been found out. [I]It had been odd that whole night as she and Devin hung out. The thoughts of leaving him had been at an all time high because he started getting jealous of her spending time with her friends. As of late, she had been hanging around Clarissa a lot more since Logan had been unavailable for one reason or another. Still, she looked at Devin, getting up from her seat and sighing. “I think I’m going to head out. I’m supposed to be hanging out with Clary soon and I need to shower.” She said. When she got over to him and kissed him, he kept her there, kissing her harder than she had expected. She gave into it for a moment before he stood and started moving from her mouth to her neck and she took hold of his hair and pulled his head back. “I have told you a million times, no neck play. I’m not into you feeding on me and I don’t need you getting tempted.” She said, and she moved to go for a second time when he grabbed her again and she tried to pull herself away. His grip tightened though, and she tried to pull away again, but he pulled her to him. Her eyes went over black. “Devin, I’m being serious. Stop.” Her voice was serious, and she saw his fangs as he came back in for her neck and she felt her heart racing. Everything began moving in slow motion suddenly, her thoughts moving a million miles a minute as her pendant became completely void of all color. If he even tasted her blood she was found out, and she still couldn’t risk it, especially since it would be Devin finding out. “I said stop!” she screamed, and she finally managed to push him back and Blaze and Storm took their places in front of her. Storm lunged forward first, and Billie began running. She didn’t bother to look back, her heart was pounding so loud she could hear it in her head, hell, it felt like it was going to come out of her throat if she wasn’t careful. She turned a corner, heading down the hall where her dorm was and she didn’t bother even reaching for her keys, she just began banging on the door. “Alex! Alex! Open the fucking door!” The door opened, Alex barely having a second before Billie wrapped her arms around his waist. He heard something he hadn’t heard in a long time, and he quickly backed up and closed the door. She was crying… Billie in their entire lives hadn’t been overly emotional or anything. Anger made her cry, sure but this was different as she clung onto him tighter. “B? What’s the matter?” he asked, moving her a little to see the look in her eyes. Fear? “B?” “I fucked up, Al. I fucked up bad.” She sobbed and she just brought herself closer and buried her head in his chest. Before he could say anything though, Clary’s voice came. “Babe, I hope you don’t mind, but once Heather gets out of the shower she’s coming with.” Clary hadn’t looked up yet, but when she did, she saw Alex holding Billie as they sat on her bed. “Babe?” “Clary, go get Logan, please.” Alex said and Clary nodded and phased back through the door. He moved his hand and pulled her chin up to look at him. “Billie?” “He tried to feed off me, Al. I’ve told him a million times no, hell I don’t even kiss him very long in fear he’ll bite my lip and draw blood. But he grabbed me and he wouldn’t let go. He could have found out Al! Devin of all fucking people. Sure, I’ve thought about telling others, but not him! He just…” she was still sobbing and it got worse as she tried to breathe. Alex let go of her chin and watched her head drop, her sitting forward and placing her elbows on her knees and holding her head in her hands. “I got so scared, Al. I set Blaze and Storm on him.” Alex looked down at her, seeing a bruise on her wrist from where Devin grabbed her. His eyes went black, and he saw Clary phase into the room and open the door letting Logan in. “I’ll fucking kill him.” Billie lifted her head, her eyes red and puffy. “Alex, no. It will create more problems.” “I don’t care, B.” he hissed, and he stood and started pacing around the room before Clary sat on one side of Billie, Logan on the other side. She placed her hand on Billie’s back and gave it a rub before asking. “Babe, what’s wrong? What happened?” she asked, and Billie sighed, trying to calm down. Her tears weren’t coming down as steadily, but there were still a few escaping. “That fucking dumbass douche bag tried to feed off her.” Alex growled, and Clary looked at Billie seeing her wrist. “I told him from the beginning that it was never going to happen. That he wasn’t going to feed off me ever because I’m not into it. Every time he’s tried, I’ll say no and he’ll back off after trying to unsuccessfully convince me, but he just kept coming. And I freaked… and I set Blaze and Storm on him and ran. They’re off him now. Once I got here I called them back.” She said. Her voice was soft, and she looked completely distraught. “But Al, you’re only going to make things worse if you try to do anything. So just, back off, okay?” Alex looked at her, his eyes still black and a small tinge of light had began to show in his wrist. “You deserve way better, B. You should have never started going out with him in the first place!” he growled, and Billie forced herself to stand and she grabbed a hold of Alex’s wrist. “Just stop.” She said, tears still threatening to fall. “Please.” He gave a sigh. “Fine.” He said, and Clary went over to Billie. She hadn’t noticed that Clary had packed her a bag while she was talking to Alex. “C’mon, you can stay with me tonight. No one you don’t want to bother you will.” She said, and Billie nodded, hugging Alex. “Please, nothing stupid. Both of us don’t need to fuck up in the same night.” She whispered, and his eyes returned to normal and he nodded. “I’ll be by later to check on you. Okay?” he said, and she nodded. Then Billie turned to Logan and she hugged him tightly. “Will you watch him please?” she whispered, pulling away for a moment before hugging him again. “I’m sorry, Logan. I should have listened to you.” A few more tears fell and she let go of him before Clary held out her hand. “Close your eyes, babe. I’ll lead.” She said, and Billie closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before Clary led her through the walls and kept them invisible as they moved through the halls.[/i] Billie forced her eyes open and she felt the dampness in her eyes again, but she calmed herself down. Class would be starting soon, so the halls would be empty. That was good, especially as she got up and headed towards the main building, her pendant going completely blank just as it had that night. -- Alex was relieved simply having Jo in his arms, and he gave her a soft smile when she answered. “Glad you’re feeling better.” He said to her, and when she said he looked pretty when he was lit up he gave a soft chuckle and a smile. “Thanks, normally everyone is too scared to look at me, so it’s kind of nice to hear.” He told her. When she kissed him, he carefully placed his hand on the small of her back, and when she pulled away he felt his glasses be put on. “I suppose it’s fair.” He said to her, but as they began to move, he carefully stepped and his steps were still shaky. He was still far to weak to really be moving around, but once Jo put his arm around her to help him, he still tried to keep his weight off her. “Alright, well, how about this? You don’t want to be in the infirmary and I need more rest, so how about you come back to my dorm for a while. The pups are here.” He proposed, and as they made it down the halls, he managed to see the fleeting sight of Logan, and his mind wandered to Billie only briefly as he looked to Jo. He spoke again, “I appreciate the help, but really I don’t want you to put any extra stress on yourself.” He leaned away from her as they got a few doors away from his dorm and he grabbed his key and opened the door, and he saw Blaze lying on the floor beside his bed with her pups against her stomach. Except for Firefly, who was sitting at the foot of his bed, happily chewing on an old sock. He smiled at the sight. He looked to Jo, closing to door after she came in and he walked over to his unmade bed and crawled into it, scooting over so she could sit with him, leaning against the small headboard that he had made for it. He put an arm around her as they sat there and he whistled slightly, Firefly looking up and scampering up the bed towards them and plopping in his lap before lying down and rolling on her back. “Fire, meet Jordyn. Jo, this is the spunky little Firefly.” He said, rubbing her stomach before Storm suddenly appeared, lying on Billie’s bed, keeping a watchful eye over Blaze and the pups. He gave a soft smile to Jo, kissing her cheek before turning her head towards him. “Thanks Jo, really, for helping me here, and for staying with me.” He kissed her lips, softly, but it was a longer kiss, and he pulled back and leaned his head back a bit. “This is nice.” -- The classroom was empty when Clary and Cole entered, seeing a man at the board writing a few things down. He was tall, and his aura was a little odd, being an off gray-blue color which was a little concerning. “Is this Madam Delia’s class?” Clary asked and DuPage turned and nodded. “Madam Delia has had emergencies come up back home, so I am going to be your teacher this year.” He said, “I am Professor DuPage.” Clary gave a slow nod before she finally spoke. “Well, professor DuPage, a few of our friends who are taking History this class period cannot attend today, is there anyway Colette could sit in and help me take notes for them and bring them their books?” DuPage gave a nod, motioning to the back of the classroom. “May I ask which students?” he said to them, walking over to a stack of rather large, heavy looking books. “Billie and Alex Sanders, and Jordyn…” Clary was at a loss for her last name, but Colette piped up. “Jordyn Reid.” She said, and he handed each of them two books. “You two will need to sit at the back of the class, so not to distract my other students.” He said, and they gave a nod as they headed to the back of the classroom and sat down. Clary gave a sigh and Cole gave her a looks. “So, Clary, what’s our plan?” she asked, and it made Clary give a grin before Cole went on. “We have to get this whole thing in motion soon, especially with how destructive the feud is becoming again.” Clary nodded. “First of all, we have to get them to admit their feelings, if not to each other than at least to one of us. Once it’s out there in the open we can work through it better that way. I have been working on Logan for a long time, one of these days he’s going to Crack and actually admit it.” “So I take it that I should work on Billie then?” Cole asked. Clary gave a nod and a smile. “I don’t know how well it will work, but if we get this first part done then it should get easier.” “If we have to, we can always ask Alex and Jo for help.” Clary said, and Cole nodded. “And Drake and Sal could always help a bit more subtly if need be” Cole said, and Clary nodded. “We’ll talk more later.” She smiled.