[@Silent Observer] "So how are your sons?" Tholo asked Bran. Bran was one of the few wolves he knew who had children. His first son was rather old, coming from a previous soulmate match up. Unfortunately she passed away, though how Bran never said. From what Tholo knew, he was a doctor somewhere out on the west coast, bonded to a fae. His youngest was from the current marriage he held with his soulmate he had now, a rare miracle to see a birth from a were due to the complications and challenges it had. "Ah well Charles is doing fine, he recently announced that his was going to have his first child within a years time," Bran said happily always happy to speak about family. His mood shifted however as he went from speaking about family to more serious matter "Speaking of foreign wolves earlier, Adam is out helping the Boston pack track down one." Bran's youngest was known most as simply as the Enforcer. While they were perhaps now know to the world, old habits were hard to kick and sometimes it took one of their own to find another. While today most of the time they tried to cooperate with the law and hand over any troublemakers of their kind to the legal system, some needed to be dealt with swiftly and would just be a waste of time. Bran had to usually stay in Montana, running the packs around the country was a full time job as well as many other practical matters he had to attend to. His son Adam however had no qualms with tracking down rogues and distributing justice that was needed. "From the information we have this rogue came in about two weeks ago into the Boston territory. The Boston Pack sent over a neutral party to ask what the loner was doing but never heard back. Found the corpse about a day or two afterwards with the rogue seemingly gone but he didn't leave the area until a week after arriving and in that time he attack two other wolves, one won't be able to see properly again through their left eye and the other died to their wounds. We have our witches trying to do tracking spells but this is a crafty wolf." Witches and weres had become relatively close through the centuries, suffering during the early sixteenth century to trials and hunts, they had bonded over common problems and helped each other out, usually having one or two witches a pack under their protection while paying them for help when they needed it. Tholo nodded in understanding, though his mind thought more on his original question then Bran's talk. Family, it was an odd word on his tongue. He hadn't known family besides Bran for centuries and he tended to be a loner enough that these visits weren't common. He had ancestors alive in the modern day but his first and only time contacting them had gone over poorly and he had stayed away ever since. They seemed to not want anything with him so he didn't bother with them again. [@Arkay] She looked up at Aria, giving only the faintest of smiles. She could at least appreciate that he seemed to be an adventurous soul, something that most adults seemed to lack."I'm afraid to disappoint you but I merely came in for a drink, no jobs though the mention of hunting is an exhilarating one. I haven't had a good hunt in a long time though I got in trouble for that one," She said then debated whether to tell him why he knew his name. She slightly began to laugh at the second portion of his question on why she was there. "Well you wouldn't have to look exactly far to find my supposed lover-boy," she said after getting control of herself and showing her wrist to him ",Seems you are written all over me." She wondered how he would react to such news. Her mind went through as many possible scenarios that could happen, mostly the worst cases but he wasn't what she was expecting so perhaps it would go the other way and not be so bad. "But I guess I can make one request for you Mr. Kelly and that is what is the meaning of this [url=http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/milkweed.jpg/567417471/milkweed.jpg]rune[/url]," she added pointing that the rune with her other hand that was between the first and last name that wrapped around her wrist. It seemed to be partially glowing as she had brought her wrist closer to him.